Chapter 12

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Miko walked up the grassy forest, breathing heavily as she steadily made her way towards the beach house. Her whole body shaking with fear before she reached the door. Slamming it open and then shut. Unknown to the women Kyo and Tohru were still there. 

"Damn it!" Miko shouted before throwing everything on the side table, Tohru and Kyo's eyes widened on hearing the noise while Miko continued to breathe in. 

"Damn" She mumbled again before walking through towards the sitting room. Her eyes widened on meeting the concerned eyes of Kyo and Tohru. 

"Miko-Chan are you okay?" Tohru asked in concern while Miko's eyes widened looking towards the two, her whole body still shaking. 

"I-I didn't realise you both were still here" Miko mumbled before her hand went towards her face before she looked towards the two "T-Their with A-A-A" Miko mumbled not baring to say the name while Kyo looked concerned. 

"We know" Kyo mumbled while Miko's eyes widened before she looked around, her voice still shaky. 

"Miko-Chan are you okay?" Tohru repeated the question while Miko's eyes widened looking towards the teen while she frowned. 

"Y-Yeah" Miko stuttered before her hand went towards her eyes covering them while Tohru's eyes were still full of concern "You shouldn't worry yourself with me Tohru, I'm not worth it" Miko smiled while Tohru's eyes widened was 

"Don't say that!" Tohru shouted soon grabbing the woman's hand from covering her eyes while Miko's eyes widened looking towards the woman "You're worth so much! Everyone is and you deserve to be listened to!" She shouted causing Miko's eyes to widen. 

"Thank you Tohru" Miko mumbled while Tohru slightly smiled before she looked down as she could feel the shaking hand of Miko. 

"I will be fine though" Miko mumbled before taking her hands away from Tohru before she smiled slightly, Tohru was still concerned "I'm just going to get some rest" she mumbled before walking away. 

"Miko-chan" Tohru mumbled watching the older women walk away, concern filling her face while Kyo sighed. 

"Don't stress Tohru, Miko has always been like that. She doesn't tell anyone about her feelings or even what's going on in that head of hers" Kyo stated looking towards the door. 

"That's no way to live, She was shaking so much" Tohru mumbled with concern while Kyo sighed looking at the girl before to the ground.

'Everyone knows about Akito's hatred towards Miko, so that reaction was valid' Kyo thought with a sigh. 

"Has anyone seen Miko?" Haru asked while eating his pancakes after he came back from the Annex with everyone. The rest looked around in concern.

"Yeah, Miko-chan wasn't with us" Momiji stated with wonder while Kyo simple sighed before looking toward Haru. 

"She's upstairs. She was pretty shaken up" Kyo stated while both Yuki and Haru's eyes filled with concern before Haru sighed. 

"I shouldn't have made her come" Haru mumbled before he walked towards the hallway. Everyone looked after him while Yuki simple looked down. 

"Miko" Haru muttered opening the door, he furrowed his brows on seeing the empty bed before his eyes darted to the open terrace, he sighed and soon walked towards her. 

"Getting some fresh air" Haru stated seeing the woman sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall looking up at the sky. 

"Sure" Miko muttered while Haru soon sat beside her, Miko shifted to look at him "Akito didn't hurt you did he?" Miko asked while Haru shook his head. 

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