Chapter 2

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"Haru! Get up!" Miko shouted from the kitchen as she sat near the door, a cigarette in hand while on the table sat a cooked meal before Miko breathed in the deadly thing once again. 

"I'm up" Haru muttered rubbing his head while Rin was behind him as she carefully tried to tiptoe out of the house, boots in hand. 

"Hello Rin" Miko smirked still looking outside while Rin froze, Haru sighing loudly rubbing his head before Rin sighed as well. 

"Hey Miko" She nervously smiled while Miko looked back towards her, A smile on her face. 

"There some food for you packed up to take" Miko stated motioning towards the side while Rin looked to see the neatly packed package, with a slight smile. 

"Thank you" Rin smiled before grabbing it and walking out. Miko sighed once hearing the door close. 

"Haru" Miko stated with a sigh standing up while Haru looked at her. 

"I know what you are about to say, but I don't care. I love her" Haru stated with confidence while Miko's eyes widened looking towards him before she sighed. 

"I'm not going to stop you Haru just be careful" Miko started walking towards him and placing a hand on his shoulder "If Akito were to find out, it wouldn't be you who suffers for Rin. Akito always goes for the girls" she stated 

"Woah, Your so cool Kureno!" A young Miko smiled widely looking towards a young Kureno who was folding the paper and making a swan. 

"Not really" Kureno smiled a blush on his cheek while Miko simple smiled before she looked down towards the paper as she tried. 

"Do you like being a Zodiac?" Miko suddenly asked, her voice quiet while Kureno's eyes widened looking down at the small girl who frowned. 

"I like been bonded with you all" Kureno stated while Miko's eyes widened looking towards the boy with brown hair "We all have a connection that can't break" he smiled. 

"Yeah, We do" Miko nodded a wide smile on her face while Kureno simple smiled and reached out his hand to touch her head as he ruffled it. 

"Your joining school soon aren't you?" Kureno asked looking down at the girl while she kicked her legs, a sigh on her face. 

"Yeah. I hope I make lots of friends!" Miko smiled widely while Kureno simple chuckled at the little girl "You in Junior school aren't you? That must be so cool!" she called out as the boy smiled. 

"Yeah it is quite cool" He smiled, a blush on his face in embarrassment while the two simple smiled at each other. 

"Kureno" a voice echoed while Miko stiffened her eyes widened as she looked behind her to see a young Akito glaring at her while she gulped. 

"Is everything okay Akito?" Kureno asked with a smile as he stood up, Miko looked towards him to see him wearing a smile. 

"I want to play with you Kureno" Akito stated with Kureno sweat, looking down towards Miko who simply smiled at him before he looked to see the glare on Akito's face. 

"Okay" Kureno smiled walking towards Akito while Miko looked at the two Akito smirked and grabbed onto his arm. The girl was only young. 

"Hmm," Miko mumbled, her back falling onto the floor as she looked up at the Sky a frown on her face as she held the swan in her hand. 

"What do we have here?" a voice echoed while Miko's eyes widened looking up to meet the teen eyes of Shigure. 

"You called" Miko stated opening the door to be met with Shigure's room that was covered with books after Miko has snuck in.

"No one saw you?" Shigure asked while Miko simple sighed loudly closing the door before she began to take off her coat as she looked towards him. 

"I've done this so many times Shigure, of course, no one saw me" Miko stated before she walked towards him, He looked at her before picking up the book. 

"You know me so well" Shigure stated with a smile on his face, Glasses covering his eyes while Miko simple sat down in the corner "Could you please read it and give me your thoughts"  he smiled. 

"Of course," She said with a slight smile before lifting the paper and reading it, Shigure smiling before he continued his work. Miko looked up at him. 

"Do you remember what Akito did to Kana?" Miko Suddenly asked while Shigure stopped, he turned his body towards her, face consumed in confusion

"Why are you asking?" Shigure asked while Miko sighed, looking towards the floor. her face filled with worry. 

"You know Akito the best. Would she do worse to Zodiac members dating?" Miko stated nervously looking towards the floor while Shigure stood up and soon sat in front of her. 

"Are you asking for yourself?" Shigure asked in concern while Miko looked up her eyes wide meeting his. 

"No. Of course not, I could care less about me and besides this is not a relationship" Miko stated brushing it off before she looked down again. "I just don't want that to happen again" 

"If Akito doesn't find out then it would be fine" Shigure stated while Miko simple nodded and look back down towards the paper in hand. Shigure continued to look at her. 

"What?!" Miko exclaimed with a worried expression while Shigure simple smirked at her before he reached out his hand and touch her head. Her eyes widened remembering that feeling. 

"You always so selfless" Shigure smiled while Miko simple looked at him with a sad smile before he walked away. Miko wearing a worried expression. 

"That because I don't care about my own life" 

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