Chapter 6

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"Haru! It is your first day, You cannot be late!" Miko shouted down the corridor, she frowned as her foot tapped against the floor as she continued to look at the clock

"Haru-" she stopped once she saw the boy come out of the room, she looked to see him dressed in the purple uniform decorated with chains and piercings. 

"I'm up" Haru simple stated before he walked past her and grabbed a piece of bread and his bag, Miko looked at him before she smiled. 

"I like the necklace, can I borrow it one time?" Miko asked while Haru simple looked back at her before eating his bread. 

"It is yours" He mumbled before walking out the door, Miko gasped loudly before grabbing her car keys and storming out of the house. 

"You can't borrow without asking!" Miko shouted chasing after him towards the door while she walked past a certain photo of both Miko and Haru when they were younger. 

"Okay, So you can't go dark" Miko scolded as they now sat in the car in front of the school while Haru simple sighed loudly looking out the window

"Yeah, Yeah" Haru stated while Miko simple sighed before she grabbed the boy by the shoulder, making him look at her. 

"Remember what I have always said. You only go dark for a good reason" Miko stated with a pointed finger while Haru simple nodded before Miko held her chin. 

"A perfect example would be if someone gives you hassle about your uniform or even your hair" Miko stated before Haru dumbfounded looking at his older sister as she held her fist up. 

"I never took any shit for my jewellery! And even when I dyed my hair. I simply stated it was to show off my womanhood" Miko stated with a proud smile as Haru continued to dumbfounded remembering his sister as a teen with red hair, covered with piercing and chains.

"Sis. I don't think I will be able to say it for my womanhood" Haru stated while Miko simple sighed and leaned her hair on the steering wheel. 

"That isn't what I was trying to say" Miko stated with a sigh before she turned her hair to look over at him. 

"Just if you're going dark, Do it for a good reason" Miko smiled while Haru simple nodded with affirmation as Haru and Miko got out of the car. 

"You don't have to come to the opening ceremony" Haru stated while Miko simple sighed loudly before she walked beside him. In a black skirt with a red low-cut shirt with necklaces.

"I didn't have anyone come to mine, so I thought I might as well come to yours" Miko smiled while Haru simple nodded, Miko looked over before she waved. "Momiji!" she shouted. 

"Ah! Miko-chan!" Momiji smiled widely running toward the two. She smiled and rubbed his hair as the young boy smiled in his girl's uniform. 

"Your so cute Momiji!" She smiled a warm aura surrounding her as Haru simple wore a calm expression "We need to go, Come with us" she smiled while the blonde nodded. 

"You did what?!" A teen Miko exclaimed widely at the young boy who had a frown on his face, the half red and dark hair girl sighed. 

"I shouted at those old hags! They are all stupid!" Haru shouted while Miko simple looked down at him with a frown. 

"What did they do?" Miko asked kneeling in front of her brother while he simply looked away with a scowl on his face. 

"They said I'm an idiot! All because of that stupid rat!" Haru shouted before he punched the wall, Miko's eyes widened slightly before sighing.

"Do you believe them?" Miko asked while Haru's eyes widened and looked up at his older sister

"No! But they still said it because of the rat!" He shouted again while Miko simple frowned. 

"He has a name" Miko stated before standing up and looking down at her brother with a frown "Maybe you should talk to Yuki first, see what he has to say," Miko said while Haru furrowed his brows

"What! Why would I do that!" Haru shouted glaring at his sister who walked away before she stopped and turned towards him. 

"Because everyone deserves a chance Haru, you shouldn't judge him based on what everyone says and you should especially not listen to the old women" Miko stated while Haru looked at her. 

"I'm also talking to Kazuma, You turned dark and have a new fondness for violence that needs some help," Miko said before walking away. Haru simple looked at his sister with a shocked expression. 

"That was boring and a waste of my time," Miko said with a grumble while both Haru and Momiji followed her, she sighed loudly. 

"I said you didn't have to come" Haru stated while Miko simple looked at glared at his relaxed face before she looked around. 

"You two should be off to your classes" Miko mumbled before she reached into her bag, pulling out a pack of cigarettes "I'm off to smoke" She mumbled before walking away. 

"Bye Miko-Chan!" Momiji waved widely while Haru simple looked away and started to walk as the two teens walked together. 

"Damn, This place hasn't changed" Miko smiled before walking towards the Entrance where she stood near a blossom tree and placed a cigarette in her mouth and lighted it. 

"Those things will kill you" A voice stated while Miko's eyes widened as she turned to see Shigure next to her, a smirk on his face as well as him wearing a suit. 

"What the hell!" Miko shouted scurrying away from him while Shigure simple smiled widely at the women. 

"Did you not see me in the crowd?" Shigure smiled while Miko simple sighed loudly and looked at him in disgust. 

"That aura of a pervert was you?!" Miko exclaimed loudly in disgust while Shigure soon held his chest in pain. 

"Ah! You wound me Miko!" Shigure exclaimed dropping to the floor in his suit while Miko simple rolled her eyes and continued to smoke. 

"Whatever, Your weird you know especially for coming" Miko stated before breathing out the smoke while Shigure looked up for her. 

"What can i say, Haru and Momiji are dear to me. I really wanted to support them" Shigure said before he blushed and looked away. Miko glared

"Pervert!" She shouted hitting his head once again before Miko looked towards the the entrance, seeing a black car "Did you come with someone?" She asked while Shigure sighed loudly. 

"About that" Shigure stated hesitate while Miko looked back at him to see his guilty expression. 

"Shigure!" A voice shouted while Miko's eyes widened, her body stiffened before her arm reached out to grip tightly on her other arm. Shigure sighed loudly. 

"I have to go" Shigure muttered while Miko simple looked at him. Shigure frowned slightly on seeing her reaction before placing his hand on her head. 

"Your okay" He muttered before walking away while Miko eyes widened at his affection, before she breath in and out. Her hand tightening on her arm before she looked back meeting the glare of Akito. 

"Shigure" Akito soon mumbled before reaching out her hand towards his cheek, Miko looked to see the affection her hand tightened while Akito simple smirked before grabbing his hand and walking towards the car. 

"Damn" Miko mumbled looking down to the floor. Drops of blood coming from her arm as the car zoomed off. 

"Damn it!" she shouted again. 

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