Chapter 11

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"What?" Miko questioned sitting outside with a cigarette in hand while Haru stood beside her as she held up his phone. 

"Momiji has invited us all to the beach house" Haru stated while Miko breathed in the paper before she looked towards the boy. 

"Like hell!" Miko shouted with frustration while Haru sighed and looked at his sister. 

"It will be fun, it's better than being cooped up in the summer" Haru stated while Miko simple rolled her eyes and looked towards the boy. 

"No, because I will be the babysitter. I just know it because no other adult has an ounce of responsibility besides Hatori!" Miko shouted with a grumble while Haru sighed. 

"Please come, everyone is going" Haru stated while Miko stiffened before she looked up at the boy. 

"Everyone?" Miko questioned while the teen simple nodded before she sighed loudly with frustration. 

"Uhh, I knew it! I am the only adult here!" Miko shouted with her beach hat and sunglasses on as she stood on the sand, behind her Haru held her chair and umbrella. 

"Miko, you came?" Kyo asked while Miko simple looked and glared at the boy. 

"Well, Haru dragged me here!" Miko shouted while Haru placed the chair down and the umbrella covering it. While Miko soon placed her arms on her waist. 

"Right Kids! No bothering me as I am reading! Only for an actual emergency. If you do then you will suffer the consequences!" Miko shouted while the boy grimaced and the young woman sat on her chair. She wore a black Bikini as she read her book. 

"Strange" Haru soon started looking out at the ocean while Yuki and Kyo looked at him "I was so sure Sensei would come" he finished. 

"Huh? What made you so sure?" Yuki questioned in confusion 

"My sister and Honda" Haru stated while both boys continued to look at him in confusion "They are both out here in a tight swimsuit, basically like catnip to him" he simply stated before a book hit him in the head. 

"Shut up Haru!" Miko soon shouted from her chair which was quite a distance from the teen's towels. 

"I'm just been a normal teenager" Haru stated while Miko simple rolled her eyes before leaning back in her chair. The other teens enjoy themselves while Miko simple thought back to what she has seen before they left. 

"Uhh he better have my sunglasses, I even had to let the kids go ahead of me" Miko groaned climbing up the stairs that led to Shigure's house. 

"Uhh, Shigure?!" Miko called out opening the door but she was never met with an answer before she sighed and walked around the house. 

"You know what I want" A voice stated while Miko's eyes widened before she slowly walked towards the door, her face wore a deadly glare.

"Oh Rin, What am I going to do with you?" Shigure asked with a tease while Miko bit her lip before walking into the door. 

"Kick her out" Miko stated while both Shigure and Rin's eyes widened, Rin more specifically with fear as she felt the glare on her. 

"Aren't you supposed to be in hospital rin? Or is that a lie you told my brother?" Miko asked with a glare before Rin stood up, and looked down. 

"Whatever" Rin stated before walking towards the back door, Miko continued to glare while Shigure simple sighed "I will come back Gure" Rin stated before walking away. 

"So you're getting with younger ones now?" Miko asked with a stern expression while Shigure simple laughed in fear. 

"Ahaha, She came onto me Miko and I wouldn't go there" Shigure smirked before standing up and walking towards the woman "Not when I have you" he smiled reaching out his hand.

"Ah" Miko stated her face consuming in a blush before she stumbled away, Shigure's eyes widened on seeing her blush. 

"I just came to get my-my sunglasses" Miko mumbled before walking away. Shigure looked at the women with confusion. 

"Uhhh!!" Miko soon groaned standing up from the chair and throwing her book on the floor with frustration while the teens looked at her in concern. 

"Is Miko-Chan okay?" Tohru asked in the ocean to see the woman stomping on her book, her face red while everyone was dumbfounded. 

"She's had a lot on her mind" Haru stated while Tohru's eyes widened in concern and looked towards Miko concern.

"Oh, So you finally decided to show your face!" Miko shouted the next day while she stood on the beach, in her swimsuit and glaring at the Kimono-wearing man who simple fanned himself. 

"Ah, Miko. How wonderful it is to see you? Have you been having fun watching the kids?" Shigure asked with a smirk while Miko simple glared at the man. 

"You!" Miko shouted grabbing him by the collar while Tohru simple sweatdropped before smiling. 

"Are you not going to swim Shigure?" Tohru asked with a smile while Shigure laughed and Miko let go of him. 

"Ah, Well I am not the world's best swimmer" Shigure stated before she smirked "I simply came for the swimsuits!" he smiled. 

"Shigure!" Miko shouted hitting him on the head while Hiro grabbed Kisa by the hand and dragged her to the sea. 

"What? So am I not allowed to joke?" Shigure asked rubbing his head while Miko simple rolled her eyes at the man. Arm's crossing her chest. 

"You so annoying" Miko grumbled before sitting down beside him and snatching the fan out of his hand and fanning herself while Tohru smiled and ran off with Kisa and Hiro. 

"Where is everyone else?" Shigure questioned while the woman simple looked towards him before leaning back

"Grocery shopping, so it's just me and you till they come back" Miko stated fanning herself while Shigure looked over towards her, a smirk on his face. 

"You have come quite comfortable around me, haven't you Miko?" Shigure asked before beginning to become closer to her, Miko's eyes widened. 

"I-I" Miko mumbled a blush on her cheek while the man continued to smirk and came closer and close to each other.

"Sis" A voice stated while Miko's eyes widened and soon pushed Shigure away before standing up, a blushing mess on while she looked up to see Kyo, Yuki, Momiji and her brother there. 

"Hey. Oh wow! Watermelons!" Miko shouted nervously while Kyo and Yuki simple sweatdropped at the women Haru simple wore a relaxed expression. 

"Yes, there are watermelons" Haru stated while the two siblings stared at one other. The other sweat dropped at the intense staring. 

"Let go have watermelon," Haru said before walking away. Miko sighed loudly as the rest of the children followed behind him. Miko and Shigure left on their own. 

"Miko" Shigure stated while the short-haired woman looked up towards the man, concern written on his face. 

"Why don't you go home? Other adults are here now and well you didn't want to come in the first place right?" Shigure questioned with a smile. 

"What? Why do you want me to leave?" Miko asked with furrowed brows before her eyes widened in concern as seeing Shigure's expression. 

"Akito is here" 

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