Chapter 13

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"Uhh, Damn it" Miko groaned as she sat by the table, her head in her hands as she looked at the table. Medication beside her while her face was pale. Next to the medication sat Miko's phone which held many missed calls from both Hatori and Shigure.

"I'm home" A voice stated while Miko's eyes widened before grabbing the medication and hiding it before she looked up with a smile.

"Hey, Haru. Are you okay?" Miko asked with a smile while Haru simple looked towards her with a straight face, a mark on his cheek. "Did you get into a fight?" Miko asked standing up.

"No, I saw Rin" Haru stated while Miko simply frowned at her brother before he sat down and grabbed the medical box.

"Did you say something stupid?" Miko asked before walking towards him and opening it, Haru looked away.

"I said I might as well die if she doesn't need me" Haru stated while Miko's eyes widened before she grabbed the teen's chin. Glaring at him.

"It's a good thing she hit you then because if not I would be of" Miko stated before dabbing his cheek Haru simple frowned

"That wasn't why she hit me. I mentioned something I shouldn't have" Haru stated while Miko simple sighed before placing the plaster on his face.

"There you go" Miko smiled before walking away, Haru looking towards her before he frowned.

"Sensei was asking about you" Haru stated while Miko's eyes widened while she looked away from the boy "He's worried because he hasn't heard from you since the beach house" Haru stated while Miko frowned.

"I've been busy" Miko simple stated before he sighed loudly and stood up.

"No. You're just running away" Haru stated before walking away, Miko leaned against the side, her face full of anguish before she sighed.

"It's because I know he can never return my feelings" Miko stated with a frown.

A few days later

"Huh?" Miko questioned as she walked into her kitchen, to see the back door open. Her eyes widened as she saw the door to her office open before she walked towards it. She looked before her eyes widened.

"Rin?!" Miko's eyes widened on seeing the girl looking through all of her father's stuff, the said girl turned around eyes wide

"Miko!" Rin shouted before she scowled loudly at the woman "Shouldn't you be at work or have you given up that too?" She shouted while Miko simple wore a straight face.

"Why are you here?" Miko asked while Rin simple looked down towards all the paper on the floor.

"Do you know how?" Rin asked while Miko looked towards the girl before she tilted her head in confusion

"How to break the curse?" She asked while Miko's eyes widened looking at the teen, her body stiffened looking towards her

"You- You're trying to break the curse?" Miko asked while Rin simple looked at her before glaring before walking past her and shoving her away.

"Your the most hated by Akito, I don't know why I asked!" Rin shouted while Miko continued to look at the girl with wide eyes before grabbing her arm.

"Rin!" Miko shouted while the girl only continued to stand there not even bothering to look towards the older woman "What happened with Akito!" Miko shouted at the girl while the girl's eyes widened.

"None of your business!" Rin shouted before snapping her hand from the woman before she walked out, Miko sighed before holding her head.

'She didn't look well at all, just like that time'

"Haru! Haru!" a young adult Miko, with long dark hair shouted as she ran into the hospital room, her eyes furrowed as she saw Rin in bed and Haru sat on the floor.

"Ah Miko" A voice soon stated while Miko's eyes widened as she was met with Kazuma, The older woman's eyes nodded before she bowed.

"It's good to see you Kazuma, But what's wrong? I got a call saying Haru was in the hospital.." Miko trailed off on seeing Rin in the bed before her eyes fell on Haru.

"I understand" Miko muttered before Rin started to stir. Miko sighed loudly before going to stand next to Haru who still looked toward the floor.

"Hey, Izusu. Do you remember what happened, HatsuHaru found you in the middle of the street, Unconscious and came to get me" Kazuma smiled kindly towards the child while Miko looked down at Haru.

"I have to get home! I have to go!" Rin soon shouted getting up while Kazuma stopped her, Miko's eyes were full of sorrow for the girl

"We have contacted your Parents, they are on their way and I would like to ask them a few questioned about the bruises" Kazuma finished while Miko looked to see her brother's fist clenched.

"Why? You don't need to do that! You don't need to do anything! Leave us alone! It wasn't them, it was me! I have to go home!" Rin finished shouting while Miko looked over to see her parents.

"No. No, you don't" Her mother stated while Miko simple scowled and looked towards the floor "Go somewhere else, somewhere we never have to see you again" she continued.

"No! Wait! I'm sorry!" Rin started to beg while Miko's eyes widened on seeing her fall to the ground, as she simple shook her head "Mama! Papa! Don't leave!" she shouted

"We don't want you!" The father soon shouted, Miko's eyes widened remembering back to their father and the words he spoke to her. Haru clenched his fist while Rin fell to the floor crying.

"Seriously?! How can you say that!" Haru soon shouted Miko's eyes widened as the boy got closer, Miko grabbing onto him to stop him "What kind of parents are you?! Adult take out their anger on us! They laugh! They hit! We feel the pain you know!"

"Haru" Miko stated before he began to struggle against her, Miko sighed loudly

"Apologise! Apologise to Rin! Apologise!" He shouted but the parents simple walked away while Miko frowned

"Thank you, Haru" Rin mumbled before she started crying, Miko sighed loudly and placed her arm around Haru as he also cried.

"I'm proud you know, You did the right thing helping her" Miko stated as they now sat in her car, she smiled while Haru still looked to the ground.

"I wasn't going to leave her" Haru stated before looking out the window, Miko sighed before she smiled.

"You know my salon has gotten quite popular and I was speaking to some of the Sohma's and there is a small house available on the land, two bedrooms and I thought i would buy it" Miko stated while Haru turned towards her.

"Why don't you come live with me instead of mom and dad? I know what their like so it can be hard" Miko finished with a smile while Haru's eyes widened

"Really?" A young Haru asked while Miko simple smiled at the boy before she reached over and shook his hair with a slight laugh. 

"Of course" She smiled widely before the young boy broke out in a smile and soon reached over and hugged the darker haired women

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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