Chapter 7

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"Uhhh, Why can't he leave me alone!" Miko shouted throwing her phone as it landed on the floor to display loads of missed calls from Shigure. 

"Is that your lover?" Haru soon asked coming into the Kitchen while Miko stiffened before picking up her phone with a sigh. 

"You could say that" Miko mumbled while looking at the phone and the many missed calls as she leaned on the counter. Haru looked at her as he opened the cupboard. 

"Did he do something to piss you off?" Haru questioned before taking a bite of some bread, Miko sighed loudly. 

"He didn't even do anything, just. I don't even know why I am upset" Miko mumbled before lowering her head in a sulk. Haru looked at her. 

"Maybe you're starting to catch feelings" Haru stated with a shrug while Miko's eyes widened before she raised her head slowly to glare at Haru. 

"Like hell, I would catch feelings for him!" Miko shouted throwing her phone again, Haru simple shrugged. 

"That is what it seems" Haru mumbled before walking away while Miko sighed once again, looking at the phone. 

"He isn't the one I want" Miko mumbled before groaning loudly and soon grabbed her coat and placed her shoes on. 

"Haru. I'm going out! Bye Rin!" Miko shouted while a dumbfounded Rin sat in Haru's room and looked at the boy in bewilderment. 

"How does she always know?" Rin asked with serious concern while Haru simple shrugged his shoulder once again. 

"Uhh! He's not here!" A voice shouted running down the stairs while Miko furrowed her brows looking to see women jumping down the stairs "I will find you Sensei!" she shouted running. 

"Sensei?" Miko mumbled before she continued to walk to the top of the hill, she walked towards the door before she heard anything. 

"Is he not here?" Miko sighed loudly before she groaned loudly "All those calls begging me to come and he isn't even here!!" Miko shouted turning away from the door, a deadly aura about her. 

"I will kill him!" She shouted unknown to her the door was open and Shigure sweatdropped. 

"You shouldn't threaten people in front of their own home you know" Shigure smiled while Miko turned around, she simple glared at him. 

"Well, you shouldn't make it look like you're not home!" Miko shouted before Shigure moved out the way with a chuckle letting the woman in while she grumbled. 

"Now, Now why are you so grouchy?" Shigure asked as the woman sat in the sitting room, by the table before she looked at the writer with a glare. 

"You bombarded me with calls and messages telling me to come over!" Miko shouted while Shigure simple chuckled Miko glared even more. 

"I was bored" He smiled while the woman was soon surrounded by fire before she reached over and grabbed Shigure's Kimino. 

"It's my day off! And you bothered me so much!!" She shouted in his face but they were soon interrupted by a girl walking in. 

"Oh, Miko-san" Tohru mumbled before she let out a wide smile and was overcome with happiness while Miko's fire soon slowly went out. 

"Tohru" Miko exclaimed soon surrounded by a calm atmosphere as she walked towards Tohru while the girl simple smiled back 

"You saved me Tohru" Shigure sighed in relief as he sat down, Tohru simple chuckled while Miko glared back at him. Tohru soon gasped loudly.

"I will make us some tea!" Tohru smiled while Miko simple smiled back before sitting by the table. Soon tohru came over with a tray. 

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