Chapter 3

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"There we go, Check up all done" Hatori started walking away before sitting at his desk. Miko sighed loudly sitting up and walking towards the outside door. 

"Do I need to keep having these check-ups?" Miko asked with a sigh looking out towards the green scenery. Pulling out a pack of cigarettes. 

"Well yes and especially if you keep smoking," Hatori said with a cold glare while Miko's eyes widened as she felt a shiver. 

"It helps my nerves!" Miko said trying to convince him while Hatori simple sighed before he started to scribble down on his notes. 

"Can I have my rant to you now?" Miko asked with a smile while Hatori simple looked up to meet her smile while he sighed. 

"If it is about you and Shigure. I don't want to know" Hatori stated while Miko sighed loudly before breathing in the cigarette. 

"Awe. But you are the only one who knows and I want your opinion" Miko stated while Hatori looked up in concern and furrowed brows. 

"Am I doing the right thing?" She asked, her face full of concern and worry while Hatori's eyes widened slightly on seeing her expression. 

"You told me it is to distract you from what you can't have as well as help you get over a certain someone" Hatori stated while Miko sighed loudly looking down. 

"Yeah, I suppose. We all have our way of dealing with it don't we?" Miko stated before she sighed loudly. 

"I should get going" Miko stated before Hatori stood up stopping the woman as she looked back at him.

"I am here if you need someone, Miko. Especially if you get stressed again" Hatori stated while Miko's eyes widened before she smiled at him. A smile on her face.

"Thank you Hatori" She smiled before walking away and placing the cigarette in the rubbish bin she had passed. She sighed loudly walking through the main estate before she turned a corner. Her eyes widened. 

"Kureno" She stated with a gasp and wide eyes as the brown hair man wore the same expression. 

"Miko" He muttered before she wore a kind smile and walked towards her, The woman soon gripped her arm tightly, her nerves getting the best of her. "How are you?" Kureno asked while the women looked up. 

"I'm good" she muttered before she let go of her arm. A smile on her face as she looked at him "How about you?" she managed to smile. 

"I'm good" he stated while Miko simple nodded before she breathed heavily and gulped. 

"Kureno!" Miko soon exclaimed while his eyes widened looking down towards her dark eyes while the man looked in anticipation "I want you to know that i-

"Kureno" A voice interrupted while Miko's eyes widened before her hand went back to her arm and gripped it tightly to the point where she hissed. 

"Akito. Are you okay?" Kureno soon asked walking towards the god while Miko watched with an emotionless expression, The grip only tightening. 

"I missed you" Akito stated with a smile, her arm going towards Kureno before she looked towards Miko with a glare on her face, "I thought I would save you from the pest" she glared.

"Akito-" Kureno stated while Miko simple let out a chuckled Kureno stopped and looked towards her and Akito glared. 

"I'm so sorry to have bothered you Akito" Miko sarcastically stated with a wide fake smile while Akito simple glared "I was just on my way from seeing Hatori and bumped into Kureno" she smiled again. 

"You were with Hatori?" Akito asked with a glare while Miko simple smirked at the other women before she smiled. 

"Yes, We were having a great catch up" Miko stated before she looked down towards the watch in her hand "On that note, I must be leaving. Have a good day Kureno" Miko smiled before walking away. Akito glared at her. 

"Damn it" Miko stated once she was out of sighed, her breath was shaky as her whole body shook. She leaned her head back against the wall. 

"Miko-san?" a voice echoed while the woman's eyes widened as she turned to see Rin looking towards her in concern the woman soon wore a fake smile. 

"Rin!" Miko soon exclaimed, her eyes wide looking towards the dark hairy girl, she tried to steady her breathing. her body felt weird. 

"Are you okay?" Rin asked as she could see the sweat falling from Miko's forehead while the older woman simple sighed. 

"Of course. I should be going" Miko stated as she started to walk away before she stopped and looked back at Rin "Don't tell Haru" she muttered before walking away. 

Miko carefully opened the door to the house that rested on the hill, before she made her way to the room that rested on the first floor and walked towards the door. Slamming open the door of the writer. 

"Woah. Miko. This is an unplanned visit"  Shigure stated with wide eyes and he looked to see the woman breathing heavily. 

"Yeah, Well I want to do it" Miko stated closing the door and taking off her jacket before she made her way towards Shigure whose eyes widened. 

"Woah, Why all of sudden?" Shigure asked while Miko now leaned towards him, a sigh escaping her lips and she looked up at him. 

"I just want to do it" Miko stated while Shigure simple looked into her eyes, concern lacing in them before he sighed and reached his out towards her and caressed her cheek. 

"Did you see Kureno?" Shigure asked while Miko's eyes widened looking up at him before she simple sighed and glared up at him. 

"Why do you care? Are we doing it or not?" Miko asked, her hand trailing down Shigure Kimono while he looked towards her in concern before shaking his head. 

"Miko" he simple hummed before she smirked and placed her lips onto each other, Shigure joining in before he started to unbutton her top. the two passionately kissing one another before she pulled his Kimono down. 

"Shigure" She moaned while the two continued to kiss as they made their way towards the futon on the floor.

"Oh Miko" Shigure mumbled sitting up and looking down at the dark-haired girl who slept next to him, he sighed loudly before looking at her arm to see nail marks, deep ones as his hand grazed them. 

"You will be okay" he mumbled. 

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