Chapter 1

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A cry whaled out in the courtyard as a little girl with dark hair was on the floor, her knee bloody as she cried. Tears streaming down her eyes but no one came.

"Are you okay?" A voice rang out while the dark-haired little girl looked up to meet the brown eyes as her crying stopped.

"Oh no, You hurt your knee" he stated again before reaching into his pocket, pulling out a handkerchief, and patting her knee.

"Ah!" she called out while the little boy looked up in alarm and saw her tears.

"Please don't cry, The pain will go away soon" he stated with a small smile while the dark-haired girl stopped crying but simple sniffled.

"Where's your mummy and daddy?" He asked with a smile while the little girl simple looked down towards the floor before he sighed.

"Oh, Sorry" he muttered while the little girl simple looked at him, her eyes wide while she looked at him.

"Miko" she muttered while the boy looked up with wide eyes before smiling slightly.

"You're the monkey Zodiac?" he asked while the little girl simple nodded with a smile on her face while he smiled even brighter.

"I'm also a Zodiac member" he smiled while her eyes widened before she looked with anticipation "My name is Kureno" he smiled.

"Mhm," a groan broke out while a much older dark-haired woman lifted her head from her pillow, a loud sigh as she looked at the alarm clock before sitting up. She quickly not dressed into a simple skirt and top decorated with necklaces, bracelets and rings as well as red lipstick before walking out of her room.

"Haru, Time to get up!" The woman shouted knocking on the door before she started to walk towards the kitchen and started to cook breakfast.

"You came back late last night Miko" a voice stated while the woman known as Miko looked back to see her young brother Haru.

"Yep, The salon didn't close till late" she muttered while Haru simple came towards the Kitchen, grabbing the different sauces

"A hair salon stayed open till 2:00 in the morning?" Haru laughed making his way towards the table while Miko sighed and she started to place the omelettes on the plates.

"Okay. I made a stop on the way home" She said with a smirk before walking towards the table while Haru looked up with raised eyebrows.

"And who was it?" He asked while his older sister came towards him with the plates and set them in front of the boy.

"It was none of your business" She stated with a stern expression before she started to eat she looked at him with a smirk "Also make sure you get Rin to hide her boots if you're going to sneak her in" she stated while Haru stopped.

"Yeah, Coming in at 2:00 has its Perks" She smiled while Haru simple looked down at his plate as Miko simple laughed at the boy. 

"Now come on, I have to get you to school" Miko started picking up the plates while Haru simple nodded as he walked towards the door, placing his shoes on while Miko placed the plates on the side before grabbing her coat. 

"Okay, I can't pick you up so your gonna have to walk!" Miko called out sunglasses covering her eyes as she sat in the driving seat of the silver car. Haru climbing out. 

"Okay," He stated with a nod while Miko simple looked at him with a soft smile. 

"Woah, Is that Sohma's mom?" 

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