Chapter 8

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"All done, Have a nice day!" Miko called out towards her customer while the older woman wore an apron over her dress, the customer smiled fawning over her new hair. 

"Thank you!" They smiled before walking out of the shop, Miko smiled softly before she looked around. 

"It's time for me to go! Will you all be okay without me?" Miko asked with a smile taking off her apron and hanging it up. 

"Of course! Go have fun!" The workers smile while Miko simple chuckled before grabbing her bag and walking out of the shop with the last wave. 

"How funny, Have fun" Miko muttered with a chuckle and looked towards the sky with a frown before placing a cigarette in her mouth. 

"Hey, Haru" Miko mumbled walking into the house though she was never met with an answer before she looked around her eyes widened on feeling a deadly aura. 

"Hello, Miko" a deep voice stated while the woman stiffened in fear on seeing the deadly aura of Hatori Sohma. 

"H-H-Hatori!... What a pleasant surprise" Miko mumbled dropping her bag before she looked at the doctor nervously "What do I owe the visit?" She asked. 

"Huh? You don't remember the agreement?" Hatori asked with a still sinister expression while Miko continued to sweatdrop. 

"Oh, I can't recall," Miko said looking to the side while Hatori glared at the girl even more as she looked in fear "Ahh!" she soon shouted running for the door. 

"Miko! Don't run!" Hatori shouted grabbing her by the collar as the woman simple screamed in fear. 

Soon Miko simple sat on her dining room chair, Hatori in front of her while he checked her heart rate. She looked away nervously while Hatori simple stopped and started to write in his book. 

"You must have a lot going on if you forgot about your regular appointments" Hatori simple stated while Miko looked back at him. 

"I don't even have a lot going on, Just..." Miko trailed off as Hatori looked at her, his eyes filling with concern "Just a lot of thinking" She finished looking towards the floor while Hatori sighed before reaching for her arm. 

"And let me guess" Hatori stated before pulling up the sleeves before he sighed seeing little plasters covering her arms while Miko simple looked away "Miko" he stated with a sigh. 

"It was an accident, I didn't even realise" Miko stated looking towards the man who still had a concerned expression on his face "I was just anxious, you know I don't mean to" she finished. 

"I know" Hatori stated before grabbing his bag and starting to pack it away, Miko sighed before rolling down her sleeve.

"Don't say anything to anyone, especially Shigure" Miko stated while Hatori lifted his head, furrowed, and looked towards her. 

"Is that what you have been thinking about? Shigure" Hatori questioned while Miko sighed and walked towards the back door and opened it. 

"Not just him, the whole situation with Akito and Kureno" Miko stated with a loud sigh while Hatori simple looked towards her in concern. 

"You have to stop antagonizing her, she already doesn't like you" Hatori stated with a sigh before he walked toward her 

"All because I'm close to you all. It's not just me though, it's all the girl Zodiac. It just so happens I am the closest to her age" She mumbled before Hatori sighed. 

"I don't want you to get hurt" Hatori stated before Miko frowned before Hatori walked away and grabbed his bag and coat. 

"Thanks, Hatori" Miko stated making the Doctor stop near the other door and look back at her "For caring" she mumbled while Hatori sighed before looking toward Miko

"You should know, Rin is in the hospital" Hatori stated while Miko's eyes widened looking back at the doctor, her eyes full of concern "I don't know what happened, I just know she is there" 

"Hey" Miko stated with her coat and bag over her arm as she walked into the hospital room that rested a bandaged Rin who sat up. 

"Why are you here?" Rin asked while Miko simple sighed and walked towards the window and looked out of it.

"Am I not allowed?" Miko asked while Rin simple lifted her head and looked at the older woman who still looked at the window.

"It's fine" Rin mumbled while Miko simply looked out the window towards the hospital's garden

"I've told Haru" Miko stated while Rin's eyes widened before Miko simple looked towards her, a glare on her face "So you better tell me what happened before he gets here" Miko stated while Rin gulped. 

"Nothing" Rin simple stated while Miko simple sighed loudly before leaning against the window, her face turning to look towards the side. 

"Was it Akito?" Miko asked but she was never met with a response before she simple sighed loudly "This place hasn't changed" she stated looking towards the side while Rin looked up

"You have been here before?" Rin asked before she gulped once Miko had turned towards her, a straight expression on her face. 

"If this was Akito, Just know you're not the first for getting too close to other Zodiac" Miko stated while Rin's eyes widened looking towards the women. 

"Ahhh! please stop!" A pre-teen Miko shouted crying as she lay on the floor, Akito stood behind her gripping her hair tightly. 

"No! You need to learn to stay away from things that aren't yours!" Akito shouted pulling her hair again before slamming her head to the floor.

"I'm sorry!" Miko shouted before Akito's eyes widened in anger before dragging the girl as Miko simple kicked and frailed about

"Sorry won't help you!" Akito shouted before pushing the girl into the wall, her face hitting it before the teen her, her nose bloody and her body covered in bruises.

"You are nothing! You are a no-one! None of them cares about you! Once you get that into your head then you will be better!" Akito shouted while the girl simple cried

"Why are you doing this?" Miko cried, looking up at the other girl while Akito simple smiled down at the girl menacingly. 

"Because I am god" she mumbled into Miko's ear while Miko stiffened, her whole body shaking with fear. 

Season 1 is done! I know this is quite short but Miko wouldn't be in season 1 much like the other Zodiac. I just feel Miko wouldn't be involved much when concerning Season 1 but I will see when it comes to the other seasons.  Remember this is a matureish book, so there will be sexual references

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