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"Say, Naoto-Kun," Takemichi started, "I was thinking. What if I tell the past Hina-Chan what happens in her future? You know, like the way I did with yo—"

"Absolutely not." The younger male immediately shut down the other males idea. "Takemichi-Kun, are you looking for an easy way out?"

As if being cornered, the older male began to push out struggled mumbles for answers, "No, no! It's not that! I'm not trying to take the easy way out because life is hard right now or anything." He sheepishly prodded his fingers together.

"Plus, if you told my sister any of this, she'd probably think you were nuts and stop liking you," The police officer informed causing Takemichi to gasp slightly, "No rational person will believe what's going on here right now. How dumb are you? The only reason I believed you was because I happened to be really into occult stuff back then."

Takemichi sighed as he thought back, "Yeah, you were. Plus you were pretty young back then.. wait, did you just call me dumb?"

Ignoring the older male, Naoto looked back down at the charts of information he was holding, "Since Sendou-Kun is dead now, we can't use him to get to Mikey-Kun. So to save Hinata-Chan, we have to go back into the past and change Toman ourselves."

Letting out a sigh of defeat, Takemichi sat himself on the floor, "So we're back to square one, again." Resting his head on his knees he continued, "If only Draken-Kun and [Y/n]-San we're still alive, huh?"

"Are you talking about Ken Ryuguji and [Y/n] Ichidori?" Takemichi nodded his head, Naoto turned around to face his computer which caused the other male to quickly stand up.

"Did you research them?" Takemichi was now stood behind Naoto, his eyes staring at the screen in anticipation.

"I did. This is the news story," He moved his curser towards a file and double clicked, bringing up said news article, "On August 3rd 2005, in the parking lot of Musashi Shrine in the Shibuya Ward of Tokyo. 50 members of a biker gang were involved in a brawl, a young man in his third year of middle school was beaten and stabbed in the abdomen, he later died. Reports also state that nearby another body was found, this one belonging to a young female who was in her second year old middle school, she had been strangled and died due to blunt force trauma to the back of the head."

Takemichi's eyes widened as he read over to the news article multiple times, "Some of these posts here mention an internal struggle, and according to them, there was a bitter strife between the Mikey faction, Draken side and the [Y/n] side. Resulting in both Ryuguji and [Y/n]'s death."

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