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The sound of slightly worn out schools shoes tapped against the hardened, glossy floor. Countless murmurs filled the echoey corridor, bouncing from room to room which only caused them to grow.

A soft breeze caused the females hair to sway slightly, causing a shiver as it brushed against her lower back. Her sharp eyes darted around at everyone who stared at her as she walked.

They were scared of her, and they had every reason to be. Even though it was cool at first, having everyone clear the hallway so she could walk thought without brushing against anyone, it began to get lonely after awhile.

No matter who she tried to talk to, they're shriek and immediately run away. [Y/n] let out a sigh as she brushed the nonexistent dust from her grey skirt. Every step she took caused the material to rise higher and higher, showing her smooth creamy legs to the hormonal teenagers.

Of course she didn't care. Her gang uniform was the same, yet, she asked for it to be that way. It just felt more comfortable.

Stopping in front of the headmasters door, the girl adjusted her grey and blue tie. Knocking gently on the sliding doors, a croaky 'come in' responded seconds after.

[Y/n] took a step into the room and walked over to the headmasters desk, standing in front of it. The old man looked her up and down, letting out a deep sigh.

"You realise why you're here, right?" The headmaster grumbled. He was a short old man, standing a no higher then 5'4, he had a proper beer belly and was balding tremendously. He wore a simple suit, with his blazer resting on his office chair.

[Y/n] took a gulp and nodded her head, "Yes, I do." The man looked at her, rubbing his wrinkled forehead, he reached down into an open draw. He pulled out a brown paper envelope, placing it on the wooden desk, he slid it over to her.

"Countless reports, countless photographs, countless statements. Miss [Y/n], you know how this school is with the large quantity of gangs in this area. We don't want one of our students spoiling our good name due to being extremely stubborn about not agreeing to leave one."

"I have my reasons, and I've explained them. The gang I'm in doesn't effect my school life!" [Y/n] snapped, her brows furrowing in annoyance.

"That's where you're wrong. The students in this school are terrified of you. The teachers in this school are scared of you for Christ sake, and they're twice your age!" The man stood up and slammed his wrinkled hands on the table causing it to tremble slightly, "One student said you won't leave that gang because of an immature childhood promise, is that true? Or is this more of a hostage situation?"

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