05 | Revive

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"Get up, Pah-Kun! Get up, man!" Peh crouched down next to the tense male, attempting to help the guy get back up on to his feet. Osanai continued to smirk as he watched his handy work, before looking over at Mikey.

"We came all this way just to see you! You and your bratty kids, Mikey babe!" The older delinquent laughed as he flicked his now burnt out cigarette to the ground, no longer interested in it. The Commander of Toman said nothing as he stood up, his face expressionless as he began to make his way over to the larger group.

'Oh shit.' Takemichi screamed in his head as he ran over. Once Mikey stopped in front of Osanai, the older male used the height difference to his advantage. Behind the leader of Moebius stood two of his henchmen, whilst behind the leader of Toman stood his two vice-commanders.

'The battle between Toman and Moebius, it's about to start!'

The members of Moebius began spitting out insults and threats as they surrounded the smaller group of six. "Had to bring all these guys to fight some middle school kids? The great Osanai's just another piece of shit. As expected." Mikey taunted, a smirk on his face as he raised his head to show how he was mocking the older male.

"Eh? Couldn't quite hear you there, you tiny flea!" Osanai raised his hand to his ear and cupped it as he looked around, his eyes staring anywhere but Mikey, trying to piss him off. The other gangs members laughed at their leaders actions whilst Takemichi began to panic slightly.

'Damn. As expected? This Osanai is nothing like the guy I met! The guy twelve years in the future and the guy here now, are they seriously the same person?! How the hell do you end up like that?'

"Hey. Who the hell do you think you're eyeballing, you scrawny little shit?" The older male took a few steps towards the trembling boy, before landing a painful punch to the side of his face, "You just looked at me like you were superior to me, didn't you?"

He landed punch after punch, treating the younger delinquent as if he was some punching bag, "Those are the kind of eyes I hate the most!"

"Takemichi!" [Y/n] yelled, she went to take a step forward only to be held back by Mikey, he said nothing, he just tightened his grip on her wrist causing her to wince slightly.

Before Osanai could land another hit on the injured male, Pah managed to halt him by grabbing his arm. Just like Draken had done to him minutes prior, "You're gonna have to deal with me first, you horses ass."

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