10 | Odds and Ends

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Upon his arrival back to the future, Takemichi believed he had saved the future. He believed that Draken and [Y/n] were alive and well. He believed that he had saved Hinata. So when he came to, he didn't expect the chorus of negative events which followed.

Just hours after, he witnessed the death of Hinata, however, it happened right in front of him. The male didn't want any of this to happen, he didn't want to watch her death and he didn't want to witness all of the heartbreak which came after it.

Naoto had gone unresponsive for a couple of days which was reasonable, his sister had been killed. Even though they tried so damn hard to keep her alive.

When Takemichi finally got a message from the younger Tachibana sibling, he threw his shoes on and quickly made his way to their designated meeting spot. Unaware what was going to happen just minutes later.

And so, on the 18th of August, Takemichi was stood in front of the gates of a extremely large building. He gripped his phone tightly as he kept checking the time repeatedly, "Sorry to keep you waiting!" Naoto called out as he quickly jogged over to the males location.

Upon hearing his voice, Takemichi turned to face the male. He was, as always, dressed in a suit to look professional, "I hadn't heard from you in forever, I was wondering what happened."

Naoto apologised for going silent in their messages, however, the older male just brushed it off and averted his gaze to the large building beside them, "Anyway, what are we doing here? The Tokyo Detention centre?"

The police officer nodded his head as they began walking into the building, "I did some research and Ken Ryuguji isn't currently in Toman, but there was no record of him dying. It's no wonder I couldn't find him. Ken Ryuguji is currently on death row."

Before Takemichi could ask any questions on the whereabouts of [Y/n], the door on the opposite side of the glass opened and out walked a familiar face. His once long, blonde hair had been shaved off, his dark eyes looked just as cold as they did all those years ago. His dragon tattoo stuck out like a sore thumb.

The younger male shuffled in his seat as he watched his middle school friend sit in front of him. He was still as tall, his voice had grown deeper in the past twelve years.

"It's been a while, Takemichy." Draken smiled, a warm smile that was. He couldn't help but use the old nickname causing a wave of relief and nostalgia to wash over the opposite male, "I'm glad you're ok."

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