11 | Break Up

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Night had fallen over Shibuya, basking the city below in a darkened glaze, the soft flickers from office lights and billboard signs provided light for the bystanders bellow. The sound of motorcycle engines bellowed around the semi quiet city.

[Y/n] let out a hum as the wind blew through her slightly damp hair, causing it to thrash wildly behind her. The girl didn't attempt to tie her hair up after bathing due to it still being wet, so she opted to let it air dry.

Her bike was next to Mikey's, yet his was slightly in front. He drove between both of his vice-commanders with Takemichi clinging on tightly to his back. Finally reaching their destination, the sound of the engines coming to a halt alerted all of the other members of their arrival.

Beginning their journey up the countless stairs, Mikey walked in front, with Draken and [Y/n] walking behind him side by side. Then with Mitsuya, Mucho and Smiley behind those two. The slightly shaken boy tailed a decent distance away from the group on front.

At the arrival of their Commander, the men dressed in all black bowed simultaneously, "Good Evening, Sir! Good Evening, Madam!" [Y/n] let out a yawn and rubbed the back of her head, her slightly curled hair bounced as she continued to walk forward. Draken eyed her for a minute before returning his gaze to the front.

The three higher ups made their way to the top of the smaller set of stairs before turning round to face their subordinates. The Division captains stood in front of their respective squads whilst Takemichi quickly made his way over to Mitsuya, who merely chuckled.

"We're here to officially name the new captain of the Third Division!" Draken shouted, his voice was carried by the multiple bodies stood in front. The girl fiddled with the hem of her skirt, she didn't like the idea of giving the position away to anyone who wasn't Pah, he was the true Third Division Captain. Alas, they did need a new captain, so this ceremony had to take place.

'It feels like we're betraying Pah-Chin in a way. This sucks!' She whined in her head, shoulders slumping in defeat. Hearing the murmurs from her fellow comrades filled her ears, she didn't particularly have a say in who was picked for this position, Mikey was the one who inevitably decides it. Though, she did throw Takemichi's names into the ring, surprising the two males next to her.

"Third Division Captain," The commanders voice shouted, his eyes were still as cold as they used to be during these meetings. "Step Forward!" Silence followed afterwards as everyone waited patiently. Everyone held their breath as their eyes glances from one and other.

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