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Miracles really do come true, for those who are worthy of them. Most people don't believe that these childish fables actually exist because they've never been in a situation where it calls for them. It's not everyday you're clinging onto life with a slim chance of survival, even the doctors in the ambulance were surprised that a certain individual was still breathing, calling it some sort of miracle.

Emma and Hinata were relieved that they had made it in time, as they were running away the blonde noticed a familiar white vehicle driving towards them. It was pure luck but they've never been happier.

As of now, the three females were located inside the ambulance. [Y/n] was laying against the patient cot strung up to the oxygen, a CPR mask over her mouth which would continuously fog up due to her ragged breaths. Hina tightened her grip on Emma's delicate hand, both ladies were shaking tremendously as they traced every blemish on the unconscious girls body.

"Excuse me, Doctor. She'll pull though, right?" Emma whimpered, her honey glazed eyes stared at the man who was located to her left. The male, dressed in a light green, lowered the face mask that he was wearing and offered the girls a shaky smile, even he wasn't sure if she'd managed to survive.

The ambulance then grew silent, the only echoing noise was the heart dropping beep of the heart monitor. It's constant beeps somehow soothed everyone on board, it allowed them to relax knowing that she was still breathing - even if she was struggling to do just that.

A small hum snapped Hinata out of her pessimistic thoughts, quickly she reached her hand into her small, drawstring bag and pulled out her cellphone. Smiling slightly, the peach haired female reread the message she received out loud, "It's from Takemichi-Kun, he says Draken-Kun's on his way to the hospital. He's going to be ok!"

Emma cheered, in a moment of pure happiness she lifted herself from the seat and danced on the spot, apologising quickly towards the doctor who glared at her. The middle school girls felt pure joy, both of their friends were safely located in an ambulance and on their way to a full recovery.

Hinata pressed her back against the chair behind her and let out a sigh of relief, a relieved smile etched its way onto her face whilst gently caressing [Y/n]'s bloodied hand.

"We're going to be ok, you're going to make it through this." She spoke soft words of comfort, knowing that the receiving female wouldn't be able to hear them.

This leads us back to our earlier topic, miracles. In moments like this, people praise the gods above for granting their most desired wish. Whether or not they believe that there's a god up there, they sure are greatful for everything which happens. Though, Hinata's little celebration was drastically cut short when the sound of the heart monitor flat lines.

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