07 | Revolt

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⚠️Sensitive Topics mentioned⚠️


[Y/n] felt like she was about to pass out, the leather belt around her neck tightened, it tightened so much that it began to dig into her neck, drawing blood. She let out sharp breaths as she continued to claw at the object, her once neatly painted fingernails were coated in the same crimson liquid which trickled to the ground.

Everything was becoming hazy. Her ears were ringing and the world around her was going fuzzy, she didn't want to die. The man behind her buckled the belt and yanked it tighter.

Her entire body was becoming numb, [Y/n] felt an intense pressure on her chest as her lungs begged for oxygen which she pleaded the universe to give her. The females head was spinning, she felt like throwing her guts up.

Her face was turning a light shade of blue. [Y/n] tried to think, she desperately tried to think of a way out. Collecting a mental image of the position of the male behind her, she weakly raised her leg and kicked him directly in the knee. The male hissed and dropped her, his hands letting go of the belt.

As she fell to the ground she inhaled loudly, however, she didn't have the strength to stand. The female noticed her phone and weakly reached out for it, silently cheering when she noticed that it had dialled someone already.

She raised it to her ear and croaked out, "M-michi.. help.. pleas—"

All of the hell happened again, the man grabbed the belt once more and pulled it back, even more aggressively then before. His golden eyes froze on the phone in her hand, he growled and snatched it from her, slamming it onto the floor causing it to break due to the force.

"For fucks sake," The man hissed out, "You're sure making this a lot harder then I thought it'd be!" He cackled and stood up to his full height, dragging the girl with so she hung in the air.

"Jesus Christ, get it over and done with already!" The man shouted, his head snapping over towards the beginning of the forest. The [E/c] eyed girl tried to look over, she wanted to know what was happening but everything around her was ringing.

"We have business to attend to, hurry up and kill her before someone comes looking for her!" The man tightened the belt once more, causing [Y/n] to let out a cry of pain as she continued to scratch at the piece of leather.

It happened so quickly, with the little hearing she had left, her ears picked up the sound of someone running over to them. Her heartbeat picked up as her mind drifted to the worse.

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