06 | Rechange

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"Damnit, you two assholes! Quit acting like you're a couple of damn punks!" Takemichi snapped, an irk mark appearing on his forehead as he hardened his glare.

The two males stopped their arguing and looked at him in surprise. "Is he actually trying to stop them?" Akkun asked as they looked out from the window, even [Y/n] was surprised. She placed the pen and note pad back into her purse and crossed her arms, a large smirk on her face.

"Just look what you bastards have done to all my precious memories!" Yamagishi and Makoto saluted the boy from the window, tears rolling down their cheeks as they said their farewells. "You selfish jerks have just destroyed everything I've ever loved for my whole childhood!"

Draken and Mikey looked around in confusion, "Huh, what are you talking about?". Takemichi clenched his fist tightly and attempted to swing for the smaller of the two, but he easily dodged it, "Are you fucking kidding me? All my stuff you just broke!"

The irritated male attempted to throw punch after punch but Mikey dodged them all, eventually Takemichi tripped and fell straight into a pile of rubbish.

"That's gotta hurt." [Y/n] commented as she walked forwards and stood next to Mikey who looked at her surprised. "Baby! When did you get here?" He eagerly wrapped his arm around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder.

"I've been here for about ten minutes, you nearly hit me with his bike!" The female flicked his forehead causing him to whine. "You alright in there, Takemichy?" Mikey questioned, trying to bite back his laugh, the male in question eventually managed to wiggle himself out of the rubbish bags with a yell before stomping over towards the trio.

"Not a single one of you gives a rats ass about me, do you?" [Y/n] had to hold her nose due to how rancid he smelt after emerging from trash pile. "Woah, just calm down, dude!" Draken held his hands out to try and calm the male down, this only angered him even more. Takemichi took a hold of the taller boys jacket and yelled again, "You're telling me to calm down?! You're the ones who just went crazy smashing all of my stuff!"

The door to the Hanagaki house hold swung open as four young males quickly ran out, "Chill out, Takemichi-Kun! You got some sort of death wish or something?" Akkun yelled as he wrapped his arms under the blonde boys, struggling to pull him back.

"Let me go, Akkun-Kun! Let me at him! You don't give a shit about what happens to people around you, do ya?" [Y/n] sweatdropped as she continued to watch the whole interaction, noticing how Draken was trying his best not to laugh.

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