Chapter 32

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I tiptoed down the hallway as quietly as I could. I was determined not to wake Derek.

"Morning peaches." He said cheerfully when I entered the kitchen.

Well fuck, so much for that idea. He walked over to me, leaning in for a kiss. I ducked out of the way and went to stand on the other side of the counter. He looked at me in confusion.

"What's wrong?" He asked, a hint of sadness on his voice.

"I can't do this. If you're going to live here, we need some boundaries." I said sternly.

Derek leaned against the counter, his eyes traced up and down my body. No, I had to hold my ground.

"I'm not going to jump back into bed with you." I said sheepishly.

"Okay. I'm sorry, I crossed the line. It won't happen again." He said sincerely. 

"I didn't exactly push you away either." I said, half regretting saying so.

He smiled, "we'll go at your pace."

"Wait, that's not-"

"Have a good day in class peaches." He said before disappearing into his room.

I groaned, that didn't exactly go as I had planned. I quickly grabbed my bag and left the apartment.

"So, how was your first night with him?" Maddie said teasingly.

I could feel my face turning red. I sat in my seat beside her and covered my face.

"You didn't!" Maddie gasped.

"No!" I snapped, turning to face her. "We just.. made out, a little."

"A little?" She grinned mockingly.

"Okay it got pretty heated." I admitted. "But it didn't go any further then that!"

Maddie wagged her eyebrows up and down, "yet."

"You're impossible." I groaned.

"And you need to get laid." She said matter-of-factly. "Look you don't have to marry the guy, just indulge a little. If you're not going to sleep with him, hookup with some rando at the bar. You're just dripping with sexual tension Alex, and it's only going to get worse."

"Oh my god, shut up Maddie." I said, trying not to laugh.

Mr. Gardner walked in, placing his briefcase on his desk.

"You could always try to seduce him." Maddie said seductively.

"For fuck sakes Maddie, he's out teacher! He's also Derek's brother." I whispered in annoyance.

"No wonder they look so alike. Even more of a reason to go for it." She teased.

"I can't with you." I laughed.

"Alright class, settle down." He said, beginning to write on the whiteboard behind him.

This was going to be a long day..

When lunch finally rolled around, I found myself sitting in the courtyard alone. Maddie had to run home for something or other. My phone started to buzz in my pocket and I pulled it out to see an unknown number.

"Hello?" I said, cautiously.

"Is this Alexandra Mills?" The man asked.

"Yes, who am I speaking too?"

"This is Detective Saunders. I'm the lead detective on Andrew's case. I'm calling because we need your assistance." He said, getting straight to the point.

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