Chapter 29

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Andrew snorted at my answer, "Because you think the dead can't hurt you? They may not be able to hurt you physically, but the emotional trauma is just as painful."

I gritted my teeth, he was really loving this and it made me sick. We stopped infront of the door to Derek's room. I hesitated before grabbing the handle.

"Open the door darlin." He growled in my ear, making me shiver.

I opened the door slowly, the room seemed empty. I looked to the hospital bed to see a white sheet covering what was obiviously a body. I sighed internally, relieved that the phone call hadn't dropped. Andrew shoved me forward into the room, locking the door behind us.

He began searching through a drawer behind me. I turned to see what he was doing just as he pulled out a roll of medical tape. I never got the chance to ask what he was doing with it. He taped my hands together behind my back and pushed me to the floor. I groaned as I rolled onto my stomach. I tried to pull my wrists apart but it was no use. He used enough tape so I wouldn't be able to break out of it. I watched as he walked over to Derek's bedside. He pulled a gun out from his back pocket and slowly reached for the blanket.

"NO!" I screamed.

Derek's arm shot up, grabbing Andrew by the throat. He audibly gasped, instantly pulling back to get away.

"I should have finished you off the first time." Andrew growled as he swung at Derek, narrowly missing him.

Derek's other hand quickly grabbed for the gun Andrew was holding. They wrestled over it, causing a shot to fire off into the ceiling. I screamed, trying my best to roll away from the falling ceiling tiles. My back hit the wall as one of the tiles landed right infront of me.

"STOP!" I screamed, knowing it was pointless. They wouldn't stop until one of them was dead.

Derek elbowed Andrew in the jaw, making him lose his balance and drop the gun. He didn't get the chance to pick it up. Andrew punched him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Derek knelt helplessly on the floor, trying to catch his breath.

Time slowed as I watched Andrew pick up the gun. He looked briefly at Derek before turning his gaze towards me. An evil grin crept onto his face as he pointed the gun at me.

"If I can't have you, no one will." Andrew spat.

The gun went off, causing my ears to start ringing. I closed my eyes, briefly unsure if the bullet had really hit me. When I opened them and looked down at my shirt, I was sure the bullet had hit me. My sweater was soaked in a dark red liquid, the stain growing bigger by the second.

I looked up to see the two police officers burst through the door. Derek grabbed Andrew's legs, pulling him down to the ground. The two police officers pinned Andrew down, slapping the handcuffs around his wrists. Derek quickly scurried over to me, gently patting my face. I could see his lips moving but there was no sound coming out.

"I can't..." I took in a sharp breath, the pain was hitting me full force now. "I-I... ow.."

I closed my eyes again, squeezing them tight. I couldn't hear Derek, but I couldn't tell him either. No sound was coming out of my mouth. My mind felt as if it was drifting away, like I was getting ready for a long nap. My eyes stayed shut as I started to go limp.

"Peaches, don't leave me again." A small whisper floated through my head. I couldn't respond, I didn't have the strength..


I opened my eyes to see a clear blue sky above me. Birds chirped as they flew overhead. I sat up confused, I was sitting in the middle of a field. I looked down to my sweater, surprised by the lack of blood. I wasn't in pain either, but wasn't I just shot?

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