Chapter 37

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*Trigger warning: near sexual assault in this chapter*

Hours must have passed since Andrew left. It had gotten dark outside, and I could barely pick out my surroundings anymore.

I pulled at the ropes binding my wrists to no avail. I sighed in frustration, knowing there was no way I could get out of this on my own. I leaned my head against the metal pole and closed my eyes.

"Why does this shit keep happening to me?" I say, defeated.

"Well if you had to listen to me in the first place you wouldn't be in this mess would you?" A familiar voice came from somewhere in the warehouse.

"What?" I said, looking around frantically.

A flashlight turned on infront of me, making me squint my eyes.

"You need a hand peaches?" Derek asked, chuckling slightly.

"DEREK!" I cried. "How did you find me?"

"I tracked the airtag I put in your pocket." He said as he started to loosen the ropes binding my wrists.

Once I was free, I turned towards him and wrapped my arms around him. He slowly wrapped his arms around my torso, placing a gentle kiss on my head.

"I told you I'd come for you, peaches." He said, helping me up to my feet.

"We need to get out of here before Andrew comes back." I said walking blindly in the dark.

Derek grabbed my hand and pointed the flashlight in the direction I was walking. I was about to run right into the pile of crates on the floor. I smiled back at him, even though he couldn't see.

The sound of a door opening loudly stopped us in our tracks.

"He's back." I whispered. "Derek hide!"

I ran back to the pole he had tied me to and put my wrists behind my back. Hoping he wouldn't notice I had gotten free. I waited in agony as his footsteps drew closer. Then the sound stopped. I took a deep breath, waiting for something to happen. A flashlight turned on, pointed directly in my eyes.

"Seems like we may have company, Alexandra." Andrew chuckled.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I passed Derek on my way back here. Seems he didn't get the message about backing the fuck off." Andrew snapped.

Andrew knelt down to my level and grabbed my chin roughly. Forcing me to look at him.

"What did you say to him when we left?" He said, almost growling.

I opened my mouth to speak but snapped it shut. I had to tread carefully here.


"Oh cut the fucking crap, Alex! What did you say to him?" He yelled, cutting me off.

I narrowed my eyes at him, I wasn't about to tell him Derek said he'd see me soon. So I told him what I actually had said to Derek.

"I told him I loved him-"

SLAP. The spot where his hand made contact with my face instantly started to burn. I kept my face turned to the side. Refusing to look at him.

He grabbed my chin again and forced me to look at him. I could see the anger flaring in his eyes. I knew I'd struck a nerve. But I needed him to let his guard down, no matter how much it hurt.

"Why?" He snapped. "You're not supposed to love him Alex. You're supposed to love ME."

Andrew pulled his pocket knife out, quickly cutting the ropes he thought were still around my wrists. He pulled me up roughly only to throw me to the ground behind him.

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