Chapter 1

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    " Come on Alex! We're going to be late!"

    The sound of Maddie's horn honking echoed through the parking lot. I closed the door to our apartment building , quickly making my way to her car. The sun was barely shining over the horizon, I yawned and pulled my brown hair into a ponytail. Sometimes I wondered how Maddie and I were still friends. We were total opposites, she was a total morning person and I was a night owl.

    " It's only 7:00 Madds, why are we leaving already?" I groaned, sliding into the seat next to her.

     "  I want to get breakfast! I need to eat Alex, and so do you." She glared jokingly at me. " Are you excited to finally get a look inside the school?"

    I smiled weakly and shrugged my shoulders. I had been looking forward to college with Maddie for a long time, up until 6 months ago ... Nothing felt the same after that.

     Maddie squeezed my hand, " It'll be fine Alex. He's on the other side of the country in jail. He can't hurt you anymore."

     I nodded, and we drove off. We stopped at a diner on the way to the college and had breakfast. Maddie raved on about how excited she was to start class, make new friends and meet cute boys. I was just happy to have a new start, I still had nightmares about last summer. Therapy had helped a little but I still saw his face everywhere. Those piercing grey eyes, his chocolate colored hair, those toned arms that looked like they could break you in half. I thought he was so handsome, hell, I still do. But he was beyond the point of dangerous. He'd proven that on more then one occasion.. Maddie snapped her fingers in front of me, pulling me out of my trance.

    " You okay Alex?" She asked, concern plastered across her face.

     I smiled weakly, " Sure, you ready to head out?"

    She didn't look convinced but decided not to push me. We paid the bill and finally made our way to the college. When we pulled up to park, we both looked at the building in awe. White pillars lined the front walkway leading to the entrance, the outside walls were a crisp white, with beautiful gold trim. It looked more like a palace then a school. Once we were done drooling over the exterior of this pristine building, we made our way to the main office for registration. We signed in as the Secretary directed us to the auditorium. We thanked her before leaving, trying our best to make the welcome presentation on time.

    The presentation covered all the basics, we were told where the science, math and English buildings were. The auditorium was in the main building, which we were currently in. The courtyard out back was the center of the school grounds, and open for use to lounge in during breaks or free time.  There was a gym at the far end of the school in its own building. There was a pool, track for running, football field, you name it, they had it. I was feeling a little intimidated by how large the school and surrounding grounds were. I was definitely going to get lost.

     " Unfortunately, our English professor transferred to another school last minute. But, we do have another teacher to take her place. He will arrive at our school in a few days. Our English majors will have to wait until then to meet him. That concludes our presentation for the day. See you all back here next week for class!"  As the dean finished, everyone began filing out of the auditorium.

    I sighed, I guess I would have to wait another week to find out who my teacher is. According to what the dean had said, it's definitely a man. On our way out we were given a care package which contained our class schedules, book lists and a map of the school grounds. I was very thankful for the map.

    " Sucks we won't meet our instructor until next week." Maddie pouted. " I hope he's hot." I rolled my eyes as she fanned herself excessively.

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