Chapter 4

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     The rest of the week went by smoothly. Mr. Gardner acted as if nothing had happened between us. I wasn't sure if he was ignoring it or ashamed of it. Either way, I was glad he hadn't brought it up.

     " So, are you ready to go dancing tonight?" Maddie squealed, hopping up and down.

     " Yes." I giggled. " It'll be nice to relax after this week."

      She smiled as we rounded the corner to Mr. Gardner's classroom. When we entered I was rather shocked to see how unruly he looked. He had dark circles around his eyes, his hair was a mess and he just seemed exhausted overall.

      "Someone had a rough night." Maddie whispered to me.

      I frowned, it pained me to see him like that. I didn't care what had happened earlier that week anymore. I just wanted to comfort him. Maybe I'd hang back after class and ask if he was okay.

      I took my seat next to Maddie. We watched as our remaining classmates filed in and took their seats. Adrian waved at me from the back of the class. I waved before turning back to the front. Mr. Gardner was rolling his eyes as he stood up.

      "Alright class. Today we are diving straight into poetry." Mr. Gardner announced. I watched as his face turned into a frown. "Yes, Tracey?"

     Everyone turned in their seats to see a pretty blonde girl with her hand up. Instantly I knew this wasn't going to be class related.

      "Um, sir. Are you okay?" She questioned. Real concern was absent in her voice.

      Mr. Gardner sighed, "Perfectly fine. Now if you'd turn your books to-"

      "But sir you don't look okay." Tracey cut him off.

     He huffed before turning back to the text book. "Turn to page 30. Now can I begin today's lesson without anymore interruptions from you Miss Lagg."

     A few people giggled as they watched Tracey sink back into her seat. She kept her mouth shut for the remainder of the class. Whatever was bothering him, he didn't let it get in the way of his teaching.

    As the bell rang, Maddie grabbed her books and jumped up. "I'll meet you back at your place later. I have to run down to the library."

     I nodded and watched as everyone filed out behind her. I took my time putting my books away, glancing over at Mr. Gardner as I was doing so. Instantly I noticed he was sitting at his desk with his head in his hands.

      Once the last person left the classroom, I got up and slowly made my way to his desk. I hesitantly reached my hand out and touched his arm. He didn't flinch away like I expected, he just looked up at me.

     "Alex?" He questioned, almost not believing it was really me.

     "Yeah. Are you.. are you okay?" I whispered.

    "I'm fine. Just didn't get much sleep last night." He paused, trying to smooth his hair down as best he could. "Listen about the other day, I-"

      "No, it's fine really. I know you were just looking out for me. I'm sorry I overreacted. It's nice to know someone is looking out for me." I smiled, hoping I at least eased his mind a little.

     He let out a sigh of relief. A small smile formed on his lips. "Thanks Alex."

    " No problem. Have a good weekend Mr. Gardner." I waved as I turned to leave.

    "You too." He called after me.


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