Chapter 23

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I sat at the kitchen counter, finishing off my chicken noodle soup. I felt alot better after a few hours of rest. I tapped my fingers restlessly against the granite countertop. I could go to class for the afternoon. I'm sure Maddie would be happy to see I was feeling better.

I sent her a text letting her know I'd be coming in for evening classes. She protested at first until I let her know I was feeling better. That eased her mind and she stopped fighting me on it. I grabbed my backpack, throwing it over my shoulder. My car keys in hand, I locked up our apartment and made my way downstairs.

I haven't driven in so long, I couldn't wait to get behind the wheel again. Driving always gave me a sense of relief, it was rather therapeutic. My therapist said it's the sense of control that made me love it. It made sense, I didn't feel much control over my own life for a while. After the last few months, I was starting to feel the same way. I shook the thought from my mind and slid into the driver seat of my car. I smiled as the engine roared to life. It may be small, but it was my happy place.

The drive to campus wasn't nearly long enough. The short five minute drive felt like it went by in seconds.

I parked in the student parking and made my way to the English building. Thankfully Maddie was there waiting for me. She wrapped me in a hug and looked me over quickly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She said uneasy.

I smiled, "I'm fine, I promise," she nodded, grabbing my hand to pull me inside the building.

I could feel Mr. Gardner staring at me as I walked into the classroom. I gritted my teeth and did my best to ignore him. I still wasn't over the confrontation with him from yesterday.

"Alright class," Mr. Gardner called out, silencing the chit chat. "Continuing on from yesterday's lesson. We were discussing the history of English literature."

I copied the notes from the projector, barely paying attention to him. My mind was still all over the place. Even if I tried to hide it, it still showed.

Thankfully the class flew by quickly, I sighed in relief when the final bell rang.

"Now remember, your final thesis is due next month!" He called over the students exiting.

"Ms. Mills, I can give you an extension due to your circumstances," he said cautiously.

A tall dark haired guy walking by snorted at his remark.

"Is something funny Mr. Davis?" Mr. Gardner scolded him.

"Her circumstance was claiming she got kidnapped. While getting her brains fucked out by her insane boyfriend." He said sarcastically.

Mr. Gardner didn't get the chance to reply. I slapped the guy as hard as I could, glaring at him with hateful eyes. Tears began streaming down my face before I got a word out.

"You don't know anything about me." I bit out through clenched teeth.

The guy stood there astonished that I'd hit him. His jaw hung open, too shocked to respond.

"I went through fucking hell with my ex boyfriend. He's killed people, and you think I'd go with him willingly?" I barked stepping closer to him.

I stabbed my finger into his chest, making him flinch. "And as for him fucking my brains out, you couldn't be more wrong. The only thing that went through my head was a fucking tree branch when he rolled his car. I almost died trying to get away from him, and you have the audacity to say I faked all of that!?"

"I-I'm s-s-sorry," he stuttered nervously. "I-I didn't t-think-"

"Exactly, you didn't think. Maybe you should start thinking before you open your ignorant fucking mouth!" I snapped before storming out of the room.

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