Chapter 34

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"How are you planning to kill Andrew? He's always one step ahead." Derek said matter-of-factly.

I paced back and forth my apartment. He was right, Andrew always did seem to be one step ahead.  I was going to have to beat him at his own game. I sat down on the couch near Derek before letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Do you really think you have it in you to take someone's life, peaches?" Derek asked.

I thought about what he said before answering. Could I take someone's life? Andrew took so much of my family and friends away from me. It should be an easy decision, shouldn't it?

I groaned, "FUCK! No.."

"I can." Derek admitted. I looked at him a little shocked. "I have no problem ending that bastard. Especially after all he's done to you."

"Derek, I can't ask you to do that-"

"I'm offering." He cut me off. "I'm all in Alexandra. You know I'd do anything for you."

"Yeah, but murder Derek? That's a bit extreme." I said shakily.

"Honestly, it feels minor compared to what Andrew has done." He said, bluntly. "I'm going to go check on Nick. Lock the door behind me and don't open it for anyone."

I nodded, he kissed me on the cheek and left. I did as instructed, locking the door behind him. I felt bad for forgetting about Nick. I hope he was alright, but what if he wasn't? I shook the thought from my mind.

I sat back on the couch, the silence near deafening. Tears were already running down my cheeks. It all hit me in an instant, my best friend was dead. My grandparents were dead, both my parents were dead. I'd never felt more alone then I did right now.

Rage started to build up inside me. None of them deserved to die the way they did. Andrew may not have killed my mother, but he took the rest of them from me. I was going to get revenge for my loved ones. No matter what it takes.


I was relieved when Derek called and told me Nick was fine. He managed to fight Andrew off and get away. The gunshot we heard over the phone completely missed him.

I wanted to relax knowing he was okay, but I just couldn't. If I let my guard down, I knew for sure Andrew would take his chance. I couldn't give him the upper hand.

A little while later there was a knock at the door. I peered through the peephole, seeing Derek and Nick on the other side.

"It's just us peaches." Derek called through the door.

I unlocked it, letting them come inside. Nick looked completely unharmed physically. It did ease my mind a little, but not for long.

I sat back on the couch, looking between the two brothers.

"What are we going to do?" I asked shakily.

They looked between each other briefly before returning their gazes toward me.

"We need to lure him out from hiding." Nick said, bluntly.

"Obiviously, but how?" Derek retorted. Nick gave him a look, immediately earning a glare from Derek. "No, no fucking way."

"How else are we going to-"

"I won't put her in harms way Nick. End of discussion." Derek snapped, cutting him off.

I didn't have to ask what Nick was talking about. I knew what he was suggesting. Using me as bait to lure Andrew out would work. Right now, it seemed to be our only option.

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