Chapter 4: Team-Up

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-The Lost City Of Ouroboros-

Lee's spirit finally made it to the Lost City of Ouroboros. He walked through the massive entrance and into the huge arena style area. Suddenly he felt a presence behind him and snapped his head back to be greeted by the white and purple snake known as Pythor.

"What do you think your doing here little one?" He hissed

"He can see me?" Lee muttered to himself as the large snake circled around the confused spirit

Without further hesitation Lee ran into Pythor and blacked out for a moment. Pythor reopened his eyes and looked around in confusion

"W...where did he go?" He mumbled in disbelief

He looked at his hand and realized he was also holding a piece of paper

"And how did I get this?" He questioned to himself

'How could you see me just then!?' A voice roared in his head

"WHAT!" Pythor screamed

'I said how did you see me just then?' Lee repeated

"One, you were holding something and Two, Anacondrai can see spirits and ghosts unlike humans" The snake replied


"Now my turn, who are you?"

'Ugh, I am a spirit who has been brought back to this realm and I am resting in your body for now but soon I will be free...with your help' The Spirit informed the snake

"I'm listening" He mumbled

'When Garmadon was resurrected I was brought back as well but not whole, with your help I can become whole again and together WE CAN RULE NINJAGO!, what do you say are you in or out?' Lee proposed

"I'm in" He replied after a while of mulling it over

'Wonderful, now if you read that piece of paper that is the spell I need to conduct to become whole again and regain my powers, what I need you to do is get the...ingredient's' Lee informed as Pythor carefully read the page in front of him

"Well we need strands of hair from your family" He pointed out

'I KNOW!, and you can help me get close' Lee said

"How can I do that?" Pythor asked

'Bring me to my brother first and then we will discuss the rest'

"And who is this brother of yours?"

'The One, The Only...Green Ninja'

-Borg Tower-

Garmadon burst through the doors of his Tower in fury. His fists clenched and teeth gritted. He stormed through the halls making multiple ornaments and paintings shake.

"Where is she!" He growled

He stormed through Killow's door, not bothering to knock, and glared at him

"What is it my Emperor?" He questioned

"Where is the Quiet One, I haven't seen her all day?" He snapped

"Um...I don't know" He honestly answered

Garmadon smashed one of his fists onto a table in rage while the other fists started to glow a dark purple

"Find her" He took a deep breath

"NOW!" He roared as dark purple energy spread across his body

"Y...yes my lord" Killow stuttered as he ran out of his room, leaving the Lord of Destruction on  his own

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