Chapter 11: Hunted

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-Ninjago City-

Lloyd jumped off the roof and abandoned Harumi. He landed in an alleyway and stormed out. He ran through alley after alley until he made it to a shop.


He walked into the rundown shop and strolled behind the counter and up a staircase until he made it to the second floor. It was and abandoned apartment with a balcony overlooking the City. This was Lloyd's safe haven, the place he comes to when he needs to be alone with his thoughts. He sat down on an arm chair and relived the situation he just went through. He snapped at Harumi and left her alone at night. He was in two minds over it. One mind regrets every second of it and is trying to force the Green Ninja to find and apologize to her at once. The over mind is telling him that he was justified and she should've told him the truth. He was so confused.

"What do I do?" Lloyd mumbled to himself as he banged his head on a wall

Lloyd realized the second he jumped off the roof he had little to no right to treat Harumi like that and he was just angry and wasn't ready for that information and now he just doesn't know what to do. He pulled out a picture of him and Misako from his pocked and smiled before bursting out in tears.

-Borg Tower-

Lee smiled as he looked over the City from the top of Borg tower. His City. Pythor slithered over to the boy.

"Lee, we have a problem" Pythor got straight to the point, not bothering to greet his Master

"And that would be?" lee chimed

"The people aren't serving us, we have no army and they have no fear of are we meant to take over Ninjago is no one will listen to us?" Pythor expressed

"The people are built on hope, the Resistance gave them that, we simply take hope away and as for not having an army...oh I wouldn't say that" Lee grinned as his hands started to glow a fierce golden colour.

Pythor suddenly felt the ground beneath Borg tower starting to rumble. Out of nowhere,  multiple earth monsters erupted from the ground. One by one they flew out glowing a yellow colour. They turned towards the tower as Lee disappeared. Lee reappeared in front of the entrance of Borg tower on the ground and greeted the creatures.

"Listen here dirt brains, I, your master, have given you life and in return you shall serve me for eternity!" Lee demanded

Lee heard a few grumbles of agreeance from the monsters and continued

"Reek havoc on the City, install fear!" Lee ordered

A few of them nodded and the creatures charged towards Ninjago as Lee teleported back onto the roof of Borg tower.

"That Pythor is how you get an army" Lee chimed

"And what about the Ninja?"

"We stick to the plan...but I'm willing to shake things up a bit" Lee grinned mischievously

"What do you have in mind?"

"I'll get into the details later but for now...bring me the Nindroid know as PIXEL" 


The police van drove across the bridge separating Ninjago from the desert lands where Kryptarium Prison was located. The Guard driving was sweating bullets, constantly checking behind him after every single noise that was made. He was the poor Officer that had to escort Lord Garmadon and a few rounded up SOG bikers to Kryptarium. Suddenly his communicator erupted which made him jump and nearly crash. He heard Garmadon slightly chuckle as he grabbed the communicator and hovered it over his left ear.

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