Chapter 8: Resurrection

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-Temple Of Resurrection-

Pythor placed a small wooden bowl full of warm water on a small pillar in the middle of the Temple and placed two candles either side. He smiled in satisfaction just in time for Lee to burst through the front entrance and storm over to the White Snake. 

"Where were you?!" Lee demanded

"Well all of that black spikey stuff that surrounded the roof stopped me from safely landing" Pythor explained casually. 

"Ugh, nether mind...the Break-up with the SOG didn't go as planned" He grumbled

"I told you to dispose of them AFTER the resurrection" Pythor pointed out

"Pfff, who cares, their of no use to us now" Lee waved his hand in dismissal as he pulled out his small box

"Now, lets get to business" He smiled

-Borg Tower-

Garmadon awoke on the floor of the Dungeon. He slowly lifted himself up as his head suddenly started to roar. He grumbled

"Ugh, I hate headaches"

He stumbled around the Dungeon as he slowly recollected what had transpired. He stumbled across some purple blood and growled.

"Ungrateful brats"

He stormed up the hollow staircase which led to the ground floor.


Garmadon looked around the entrance area and slowly made his way to the Lounge. Once he looked around his face twisted into one of horror and disgust. The SOG were throwing some sort of party. Killow and Ultra violet were near to the back holding a can of green soda each as the rest of the SOG danced, ate and vandalized the room. Garmadon clenched his fists as his entire demonic body became engulfed in dark Oni energy.

"ENOUGH!" He roared, gaining everyone's attention as his booming voice echoed across the room

The SOG snarled and grabbed any near by weapons they could and pointed them at the Oni Lord.

"We're not yours to command anymore" Killow smugly mocked

Garmadon growled and zapped multiple waves of dark energy towards a dozen SOG bikers. Oni energy orbs and waves of dark energy erupted from Garmadon's palms and clashed into the now helpless Bikers. Many SOG were thrown around the room like bouncy balls due to Garmadon's wrath. Some tried to attack him but those unlucky few got flung through the walls of the Lounge. 

"We need to evacuate" Killow whispered in Ultra violet's ear once he managed to creep next to her

"No, I want my revenge!" She whisper-yelled

"We will get revenge later once we get the Oni masks from our secret hideout but now we must retreat" Killow reasoned

UV stopped and mulled the plan over quickly and grumbled


Killow nodded and shouted


waves of terrified SOG bikers flooded for the exit along with Killow and Ultra violet except the unlucky few who were literally thrown out by Garmadon.


Garmadon watched in fury as the SOG ran away in fear of the Oni Lord. He stormed into the main entrance and stopped. He looked around in disgust at his Tower. Burn marks and large chucks of rubble filled the room with a few pictures spray-painted across the walls. Garmadon roared in anger.

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