Chapter 16: The Jade Ninja

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-Ninjago City-

Lloyd looked over at Wu who's face was as pale as Harumi's hair.

"Just another day in Ninjago he he" Jay chuckled nervously

"What was he talking about Master Wu?" Lloyd asked, narrowing his eyes ever so slightly

"I-it was nothing Lloyd" Wu lied, hoping Lloyd would buy it but he didn't

Lloyd narrowed his eyes but didn't want to press the subject further...for now.

"Are the elementals ok?" Lloyd asked, changing the subject

"We haven't heard from them yet" Kai stated

Lloyd nodded before asking

"And the SOG?"

"They ran off before the police arrived...god knows where they OR your Father are" Nya grumbled

Lloyd almost forgot about Garmadon's sudden disappearance. Lloyd has no clue where Garmadon could of went and why he left at the time he did.

"I say our priority is finding my Father...he seems to know about this 'darkness' that is coming" Lloyd proposed as Wu nodded slightly

"That would be...wise" He muttered quietly

"Can't we rest for ONE day though" Jay dramatically pleaded

"Yes Jay, like I said today we celebrate on winning our City back and defeating Lee" Lloyd chuckled

-Ronin's Shop-

Ronin left R.E.X outside and whistled as he walked into his new shop on the outskirts of the City. He made a mental note to chase up Lloyd for the debt he owed for helping him and that white haired girl out. Ronin cleaned up the shop a bit from its ambush until he suddenly heard a dark growl. Ronin turned around and at the left corner of his shop there was a small black cloud.

"What the hell" He muttered as he edged closer to the dark cloud as it started to growl again

A black tactical suddenly erupted from the cloud and grabbed Ronin's leg. He felt his leg tense up from the immense coldness of the black tentacle until he couldn't even move his leg anymore. The tentacle threw him into a shelf full of stolen artefacts. 

"What the hell is that thing doing in MY shop!" Ronin growled as he pulled out his two katanas

A dark figure suddenly emerged from the black cloud. It walked out of the mist revealing itself to be a black creature of sorts with deadly purple eyes and teeth. It had small black horns. Its dark purple eyes stalked Ronin like a predator seeking its prey. It let out a low growl before pouncing at the Thief. The black creature tackled Ronin to the ground and proceeded to attempt to claw at his face. Ronin managed to slash his katana through the creature's shoulder. Dark purple ooze poured out of the creature's arm as it gave out an ear-piercing screech. The black beast clawed Ronin's cheek and tried to rip his stomach open. Blood gushed out of Ronin's gut as the creature dug its claws into his flesh. Before the beast could finish Ronin off, a purple beam of energy collided with the creature which sent it topping to the ground. Ronin slightly tilted his head to the front door where he saw a black figure glowing a nasty purple with demonic red eyes. The figure appeared to have four arms. Due to his major injuries Ronin's vison was quite blurry and he couldn't make out who or what it was.

"I've been waiting for you" The four armed person snarled

The creature offered no reply and instead screeched ferociously. Garmadon summoned 4 destruction daggers and charged at the creature before him. Garmadon tried and failed to land any of his many attacks on the creature, it was simply too fast. The beast summoned a dark staff as tried to slash the Oni Lord. Garmadon luckily managed to dodge the attack and managed to stab one of his daggers into the creature's face. It screamed in pain as dark purple goo oozed out of its forehead as it slumped to the floor but it was still breathing.

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