Chapter 6: Reunion (Part 2)

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-Temple Of Resurrection-

Lee skipped around the Temple, overjoyed. He glanced at the mirror with pride.

"Someone seems happy considering the Ninja have returned" Pythor noted dryly

"Always thinking about the negatives, smile a little" 

"Although I must admit that you being removed from my head is refreshing, I don't understand why your so happy, we have no chance of bringing you back if the Ninja are around" Pythor explained

"Their Green leader is gone and soon they will fall apart without him...besides I have ways of distracting the Ninja while we move forward" Lee grinned

"Your underestimating the Ninja" Pythor pointed out

"I'M NOT!" He snapped then sighed

"Look, I have possessed Lloyd and he is family to them Ninja, I have read Lloyd's thoughts and memories and know ALL of their weaknesses already" Lee exclaimed

Ultra Violet walking in with a large cast over her leg and stared at Lee and glared

"GREEN NINJA!" she screamed as she tried her best to charge at him with her daggers

"Wait sto-" Lee tried to explain but had to dodge UV's upcoming attacks

He  quickly got irritated and swiftly caught both of her wrists and glared at her

"I'm not the 'GREEN NINJA' you idiot" He growled as he let go of her

She noticed his glowing yellow eyes and rubbed her neck nervously

"Sorry" She muttered quietly

"What ever, what are you doing here?" He questioned

"Well our group of SOG bikers want a new assignment and are rounded up outside" She announced

"Excellent, we can begin ours plans now, UV tell the SOG to cause some mayhem" He ordered

"What kind of mayhem?"

"Mayhem that puts the innocence at risk so much that will attract you know who" He winked at her

"Ok I get ya" She smiled wickedly

"Oh and would you know where Misako Garmadon is at the moment?" He asked

"Oh her...she is currently in Kryptarium Prison" She answered

"Great, give the SOG their mission and get ready...we are heading to Kryptarium" He announced

-Abandoned Building-

The Ninja stared in shock as Lee and Pythor effortlessly escaped. They turned towards the Resistance and something caught there eye. Near the back of the group there was a far too familiar white haired girl who looked like she was hiding from them. Their eyes instantly widened as they grabbed their weapons.

"HARUMI!" They shouted in unison

She turned to them and stepped in front of the Resistance, fear in her eyes.

"Look I mean no harm" She pleaded but Kai charged towards her with his katana

He was about to strike her down until he hit something and stumbled to the ground. He looked up to see sensei Wu glaring at him.

"What do you think your doing going to attack her like that" He demanded

"What are you doing get out of the way so I can end this" Kai growled as he got up

"You haven't even listened to her argument so put your weapons away at once" He glanced at the rest of the Ninja


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