Chapter 18: Trust Issues

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-Kryptarium Prison-

Lloyd wandered the halls with the Warden by his side. He was whistling as he swung his many keys around his hand as Lloyd gazed at the dozens of security cameras. They finally made it to the vault where the Warden casually typed the passcode into the pad and scanned his hand. The vault let out a creak before slowly opening itself to reveal a void of some sorts with a singular cell in the middle with a long bridge connecting it to the vault entrance.

"I'll leave you be" The Warden stated as he turned to leave

Lloyd nodded and started to make his way towards the cell, peaking his head over the edge for a moment to gaze at the abyss beneath him. He finally made it to Lee's cell where his brother was standing with his back towards him, fiddling with his hands.

"Alright I'm here, what do you want?" Lloyd got straight to the point, he really didn't want to be near Lee

Lee did not respond and only chuckled slightly. Lloyd quickly got irritated by his silence and turned to leave

"Alright I'm go-"

"You really need to work on your patience Green Ninja" Lee finally spoke as Lloyd turned back towards him. His voice was hollow and admittedly unnerving.

"Impatience will get you nowhere"

"What do you want?" Lloyd asked again as Lee turned towards him

Most of his wounds have been healed with the exception of a tiny scar on his forehead which was covered by his growing brown hair which seemed oddly lighter then usual.

"I wanted to see my that so wrong?" Lee gave him an innocent look as Lloyd snorted

"You didn't want to see me, you hate me remember" Lloyd snapped bitterly

"Geez, wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?" Lee inquired with a quirked eyebrow

"No, just don't want to see you" Lloyd defended, gritting his teeth

"But your here...lying to yourself Lloyd, deep down you WANTED to see me again because despite everything you still LOVE me" Lee accused as Lloyd almost laughed

"I DONT love you...not what after you did to-" Lloyd stopped as tears threatened to spill

"...Mother" Lee finished with a grin as Lloyd glared deeply at the Prisoner

"I will NEVER love or trust you again" Lloyd growled in a low voice

"Oh Lloyd...your just too much fun" Lee chuckled

"Then why do you want to kill me?" Lloyd pressed, glaring at him again

"How many times do I have to say that I DONT want to kill you...anymore...see you and I are the same, two peas in a pod...we're destine to be together FOREVER and when I get out of here there will be destruction and carnage and that is where you come defeat me or to die trying, its our little loop" Lee explained as Lloyd blinked a couple of times before shaking his head

"You wont get out of only trust power which is something you have none of anymore" Lloyd spat to Lee's amusement

"Ah yes my power...where ya keeping it?" Lee questioned as Lloyd shrugged

"Monastery" He lied as Lee quirked an eyebrow

"Really Lloyd?...I'm not an idiot, I'm guessing its at Borg Tower with all the other fun magic stuff" Lee laughed as Lloyd remained silent, confirming his suspicions

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