Chapter 3: Forgiveness

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-Resistance Base-


He stared at the girl in front of him in pure shock. He rubbed his eyes twice just in case his eyes were deceiving him but no, here she was right in front of him looking...sad. She looked at him as if she was going to say something but she just looked back at him

"Y...your alive!" He exclaimed, not bothering to hide his excitement and relief

She smiled slightly at him then suddenly burst out into tears. Her bright red face paint was smudged and her eyes were watery but she still looked beautiful in Lloyd's eyes. Without hesitation, Lloyd ran up to her and before he knew it, he was hugging her while gently stroking her snow white hair.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" She continuously sobbed in his arms

This was all too overwhelming for Lloyd. He just started to mourn for her but then she suddenly appears in front of him and starts crying while he hugged her.

"Shush..." He hummed in an attempt to calm her

"I...I was wrong...I didn't want this, I didn't want others to suffer like I did... all I wanted was you to suffer b...but now I don't know what I want!" Harumi cried

He lifted up her chin so she was facing him and gave her a soft smile

"Its ok" He assured her

"NO, Its not 'ok', I destroyed the City, killed the Emperor and Empress, hurt you friends and worse of all...I hurt you" She quietly admitted as her cheeks tinted a light pink colour

He smiled and shook his head slightly

"Rumi, its ok I...I forgive you" He announced which made Harumi freeze for a moment

He felt her freeze up and chuckled


"I forgive you" Lloyd clarified again

"B...but why, I hurt you and your friends, destroyed the City an-" She started to list off until Lloyd gently placed a finger over her lips

"Sensei once told me that the best way to defeat an enemy was to make them your friend...he told me that the day the Ninja captured me on the roof of Darkly's boarding school for bad boys and it stuck with me ever since, I made a huge mistake realising the Serpentine who later realised the Great Devourer that killed your Parents...Rumi I never hated you, I just felt sorry for you as all I saw was a girl who I broke due to my past selfish acts..." He trailed off as Harumi quietly listened as she stopped crying

"I don't want to be the bad guy anymore" She suddenly declared once the Green Ninja stopped talking

"Really?" Lloyd asked, careful not to get his hopes up

She nodded

"When I was in that building I realized not only what I was doing to this City but also that I made a huge mistake resurrecting your Father and...I was wondering if you would help me fix my mistakes?" She asked shyly

"Yes" He replied far too quickly

"Um...I mean yeah, sure I guess"

They sat down on the edge of the roof together then Harumi suddenly hugged him

"Thanks" She whispered with a smile as Lloyds face flushed a bright red

They stared off into the distance for a while...well Harumi was, Lloyd was too busy staring at her.

'She needs my help, I have to help her' He thought

'But how can I trust her, she betrayed us once already' His mind argued

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