Chapter 13: Out Of Time (Part 2)

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-The Monastery-

Lloyd, Harumi and Garmadon trekked up the thousand steps which led to Lloyd's Monastery. 

"I'm just saying this plan is foolish and will most likely get you BOTH killed" Garmadon pointed out for the tenth time of the trip

"Well what over choice do we have...we all know Lee is too powerful" Lloyd snapped

They finally made it through the old gates of what Lloyd used to call him home. They made their way into the Green Ninja's room. Lloyd walked over to his closet and shoved it to his left. Lloyd then turned to the wall, formally covered by the closet, and pressed his hand firmly against it. The wall opened up like a door and revealed a long, silver corridor. The trio walked down the corridor until they made it to a small pad on the wall. Lloyd scanned his hand on the pad until it beamed a bright green colour and opened a black box with an eye scanner inside. Lloyd scanned his eye and another black box opened to their right. The box had something glowing a fierce yellow inside and Lloyd shoved his hand in until he pulled out the Time Blade of Reversal.

"Really, I would've thought that it would be more protected" Garmadon commented dryly but Lloyd ignored him

As if on cue, missals burst through the walls pointing at the trio. Garmadon and Harumi had slightly scared faces as Lloyd just slightly smiled

"Voice recognition required" A robot voice called from...somewhere

"Lloyd Garmadon" The Green Ninja replied simply and the missals instantly disappeared

The trio walked back into Lloyd's room.

"How did you build all of...that?" Harumi asked, waving her hands at the now closed wall

"I found it when we moved in...of course I had to tweak it a bit but it was simple" Lloyd shrugged

"That's it Bro, shrug it off...what'd it take, 3 years?" A voice mocked

The trio stared into the darkness where Lloyd's open door was and watched in horror as Lee emerged through it was a grin plastered on his face.

"Hi guys" His grin widened

"You two get that blade working and I'll handle lightbulb over there" Garmadon ordered as the pair nodded in agreement

"Go get him" Lloyd gave out a fake smile

"He's all yours" Harumi mimicked the blonde haired boy as Garmadon rolled his eyes

"Ah, the Time blade...what are YOU going to do with THAT...and 'lightbulb' really, is that all ya got?" Lee chuckled slightly as an angered Garmadon charged towards him, glowing a deathly purple

As Lee and Garmadon fought with Lee easily overpowering the Oni Lord, Lloyd and Harumi tried to get the Time blade to work.

"What are you waiting for?" Harumi asked as she watched Lloyd wave the Blade around like an idiot

"I just realized...I have no clue how to work this thing" He sheepishly expressed as Harumi face palmed

Harumi snatched the blade away from him and pointed the blade at the wall. After a moment, a yellow ball erupted from the Blade and crashed into the wall, creating a yellow portal

"How did you?..." Lloyd trailed of, speechless

"I just thought about how I wanted to go to the day Lee was resurrected" Harumi shrugged

Meanwhile, Lee shoved Garmadon into a table. As he lifted himself to the ground, a large crash was heard and Pythor emerged into the room, followed by the corrupted Ninja, PIXEL and Wu.

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