Chapter 10: The Grand Return

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-Ninjago City-

"Hello Brother"

Lee skipped out of the shadows and briefly faced the Ninja and flashed them a very wide grin. 

"Hello Ninja, we meet at last" Lee bowed

"Y...your alive" Lloyd muttered weakly as he lifted himself from the ground

"Oh, hello Lloyd, almost forgot about you" Lee's grin grew even wider

"I saw yo-"

", I didn't die, in fact I became whole, and my powers have returned" Lee answered as his hands started to glow a golden colour

The Ninja noticed this and instantly pulled out their weapons. Wu walked in front of his pupils and Harumi, his face a mix of rage and surprise.

"Hey there Uncle, miss me?" Lee gave him fake puppy dog eyes

"No" Wu spat firmly as he pulled out a katana

"Oh, where's your Father's sword, it would've come in handy" Lee smiled as he fired a beam of energy at Wu

Even the dragon armour didn't save Wu. He went flying through a building and was instantly knocked out. The Ninja looked in shock as Jay stared in complete and utter fear. The group turned towards Lee and gave him a sharp glare.

"You shouldn't of done that" Kai spat as one of his hands became engulfed in flames

"Guys, be careful Lee is powerful an-" Lloyd couldn't finish his warning as Kai already pounced towards Lloyd's Brother

Lee pointed his hand in the air and Kai suddenly froze in mid air. Kai's body started glowing a golden colour the second he froze along with Lee's palm. Lee moved his arm to the left slightly and as he did so Kai went flying to the left and crashed into a massive rock, knocking him out. Lee smirked and yawned

"Ok, I was expecting a challenge, this is WAY too easy" He mocked as he summoned an orb of yellow energy

Lee threw the orb towards the Ninja but luckily Cole managed to summon a pile of dirt from the ground. The orb clashed into the pile of dirt and exploded, knocking everyone besides Lloyd and Harumi back. Lee spread his hands in front of him as his palms started to glow yellow again and more earth creatures erupted from the ground.

"Oh man, not these again" Jay grumbled as the creatures stumbled over to the group

The Ninja started to fight off the earth monsters as Lee summoned two golden daggers and charged towards Harumi. Harumi managed to block Lee's first attack with her sword and jumped back slightly.

"I admire you Princess so I'm going to give you a second chance" Lee muttered as their weapons clashed together again

"You were once one of the most feared criminals in Ninjago less than a week ago and with my powers and your brains no one can stop us, join me" Lee offered one last time

"NO!" She snapped sternly as she shoved him away from her

"Think about it for just a second, you can rule Ninjago, serve a leader who treats you with respect and finally get revenge on Lloyd for killing your Parents" Lee reasoned as he slowly walked towards her

"I'm not evil...not anymore" She spat coldly


"No, I wont betray my friends again, I  wont hurt them again" She snapped sternly

"Even after what Lloyd put you through" He pointed out

"He was a mere child...I have forgiven him" She replied confidently

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