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Location: Somewhere Above The Middle Of The Pacific Ocean. Thursday, April 27th, 2017. 1:50AM.

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Somewhere above the middle of the Pacific Ocean and high up in the sky, Mr. Black, Nick and co. were flying around in a True Justice Organization jet, heading to an unknown location. It was now very late at night and Nick and his friends and Cartman and his friends would've all been asleep already if it wasn't for 2 things that kept them from doing so. 1. They still wanted more answers from Mr. Black about what was going on, who told them that he would explain everything when they reached their destination. 2. And secondly, Mr. Black and his colleagues had ordered them to stay awake during their whole trip on the jet. With The Anonymous Society out there wrecking havoc and destruction, they had to be prepared for anything!

Nick, Cartman and the others, of course, weren't happy about this and were bored out of their minds, having nothing else to do but look outside their windows at the seemingly endless sea that was just below them. It didn't help that they were all hungry and exhausted, either! Unfortunately for them, going to sleep right now wasn't an option and there was no food on board so they were all out of luck!

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