Apples? Logchamp (Tommy PT.2)

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(A/N) Hello! Again I'm sorry- I said I was going to spoil you and then something- came up. But anyways Part 2 of the last chapter, gonna upload another one every week? Hopefully? And the next chapter is going to be Fundy Angst! So excited to share this idea I've had in my mind for months.

Third POV:

It had been a week since Ranboo found Tommy. He hadn't been able to get him to tell him what happened, the most words Tommy would even say was something like-


"Where's Tubbo?.."

"Do you have food?"

Many things similar to this was said but nothing more. When he wanted to talk to Ranboo he was never able to say anything more than his name.

The only people who knew about it was Tubbo and him, who had obviously dropped by multiple times to check in, they haven't been able to get Tommy to leave the site.

Whenever they asked he just kept mumbling things along the lines of:

"No he will be mad.."

"He will find me."

And the most common response,

"I'm not allowed."

Tubbo and Ranboo had an idea that because of his head injury that his mind was telling him he was still in exile, and being stuck at the site wasn't helping his mental state whatsoever.

Tubbo had tried to tell him that he was allowed again to counter where his mind had trapped him, the response was...something, atleast they got him to leave the campsite.

Now Tommy was staying in a room in their mansion, until they can find medical help they can trust they needed to keep a close eye on him.

His nails had stated to grow back, he still wasn't able to touch things that would be too rough on his skin which is self explanatory.

He had been able to eat other foods as long as he didn't have to hunt the meat. Or whiteness it being killed. But he was able to start harvesting foods like, potatoes, carrots, beets, melons, pumpkins.

He was getting better, still needed medical help for his head injury. But better nonetheless.

He was able to look Ranboo and Tubbo in the eyes now, he couldn't obtain it for long, nor was he able to handle touch at all yet.

Tommy was able to explain certain detail about what happened, like when Sam got him, how he got the head injury. Which was probably from multiple occasions of his head being banged against a wall and the pickaxe thing.. yeah so Tommy was able to tell them what happened with vague details.

They needed to tell someone, they didn't have any other choice right? But was their options literally so limited that they absolutely had to call them in?

2 people who had lots of information on medical things, family? No they didn't consider them family..
Neither of the pair would consider each other friends- well atleast not Tuboo, Ranboo was a different story he was already very close with the duo.

Yes you probably guessed it by now, the 2 people who knew a ton about medical injuries and how to treat them, people who aren't close to anyone in the trio anymore except for Ranboo, a pair that dosen't even consider them friends, yep it's Techno and Phil.

They were stunned to say the least from the request, and only excepted it because Ranboo was begging them to help his close friend.

He had sworn them to secrecy of the situation.

Tommy had been asleep when they arrived, and Tubbo was refraining from blowing up at them for their cold manor towards the situation.

"So what you're telling me is that Tommy got Ghostbur killed, and Wilbur was revived which I knew already, but Sam took the situation and tortured him then left him at his exile spot, and you expect me to believe that?"

Phil questioned a skeptical look on his face.

"Yes, I expect you to believe that your SON needs medical attention and most the people we would normally see would fuck something up and "accidentally" kill him?!"

Phil paused and eyed Tubbo's expression seeing that he was completely serious.

Techno and Phil exchanged looks before nodding to each other. They asked to see him and Ranboo escorted them to Tommy's room.

Tommy woke up from Techno's gruff voice, asking Ranboo questions.

"Ranboo? What are they doing here?"

"They're here to help, Tommy."

A series of memories flooded through Tommy's mind, not good memories.

"They don't want to help me Ranboo-"

"Yes they do, I promise they want to help with our- your problem..."

Tommy gave Ranboo a skeptical look, and scanned his face for a moment.

"Fine..But I swear if I have to repay a favor to anyone for this it's your responsibility."

Ranboo nodded in agreement, and Tubbo soon joined the room after collecting his nerves, watching with detail as Techno started to examine Tommy's injuries.

"Yep, it looks like he was hit over the head with a blunt object, pretty hard too. And other injuries indicate that he hit his head of something like a wall? Multiple times.."

Tommy avoided eye contact just for how spot on Techno's response was.

"Sounds about right.."

Tommy mumbled out embarrassed.

Techno nodded to Phil and Phil walked over to Tommy scanning over the injuries before taking out the medical supplies they brought, he bandaged them and put the appropriate antibiotic ointments on them. Feeling proud after he was done.

"That's all we can do mate, just make sure he gets plenty of water and his memory...inconvenience, should blow over after his injuries are healed and he remembers everything that has happened.

(A/N) hello! I know this dosen't really have angst in it but some people wanted a part 2 and I delivered! The next chapter will definitely be angst better yet it'll be Fundy angst. If you couldn't tell already- I love his C! Character. And plan to make the most of it (: have a good night!

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