Have Soem Candy Small Ones (Tommy)

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A/N Hello fellow humans! Hope you all are doing well, this is a follow up chapter to Torture (Tommy) during the few months of healing after Ranboo found him- aswell as when he first got there- in more detail!

3rd POV-

Tommy had woken up, he was at his old campsite, the portal broken- and many parts of the once beautiful campsite blown up and strewn across the place.

He shivered, it was cold here- and he didn't even have a coat on- much less a blanket or bed.

His hands hurt...A lot- he remembered he had some torn up pieces of one of his old shirts, tucked away in his pocket- he couldn't remember why he kept them there- but did know that he found his past self pretty useful at times.

Wrapping his hands- to a mediocre extent. He looked around again- wondering if anything was salvageable to sleep on, he eventually found a toppled over barrel from Ghostbur's old house...

Oh god... Ghostbur- he, killed him? Again? The memory's of Dream holding him before snapping his neck flooded through his brain and he stumbled a bit...

He opened the barrel with his eyes closed, hoping that he might be able to find something of use.

And he did, the barrel was FULL of Friend's old coats that Ghostbur had sheered during the warmer days, the sheep was very capable of growing it back by the next day-

"Oh Wow!!"

Atleast something good happened..

He looked through the thick wool for any tools to help him, and he found nothing..

But then he remembered that a loom was still intact by Logstedshire.

Tommy stood up stumbling a bit while making his way towards the loom, in hopes of moving it to the barrel.

The boy's status was bad, to say the least- his lips dyed a faint purple along with his ears from the cold, his nose was red aswell, hands wrapped, without any jacket

Atleast his hair somewhat kept his head a bit warm-

He finally made it, and had- obviously struggled to move the loom, not because it was heavy- it was but Tommy was in fact a "Big Man" he couldn't latch his nails or fingers under anything without taking the cloth off and damaging them further.

Grumbling his annoyances as he gave up on trying to lift and and decided to push the heavy box towards the area the barrel was.

1Hr., 46Min. And 7Sec. Later-

Tommy had finally managed to move the loom close Enough to the barrel to not have to make a huge trip, back and forth. Much to his limbs dismay.

He started to feed the wool into the machine and started to make a blanket, he still had wool afterwards so he made himself a sweater, eventually he rummages through other chests and found some white wool, harvesting dandelions and dying the wool to make a pattern of the sweater.

After it was finished, he put it on and cuddled up against a tree before throwing the big warm blanket over himself.

-The Next Day-

Tommy awoke with a start- sitting the rest of the way up, heaving.

He must have been having a nightmare, or perhaps an old memory ran through his head?

It dosen't matter which, all that matters is that he is awake now- taking in his surrounding while it was light outside helped quite a bit.

Blinking a few times before attempting to stand up- somewhat holding into the tree for support.

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