My Brother(Techno. Pt.2)

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Cold air blew against his face as he struggled his way through the shin deep snow on his pathway to home.

Techno's legs ached from walking, already derived of energy from his earlier activities.

He heaved out a big breath trying to regain air in his lungs, making a white cloud in front of him from the hot and cold air hitting each other.

Techno looked forwards at the spruce tree forest, sighing slightly as he felt his eyes go heavy, there was no doubt that he had lost a lot of blood. And his wrists ached, bright red rope burns wrapped themselves around them.

He lifted his right leg and walked forward, stumbled a bit, then finally passed out in the cold harsh late fall snow.


"There he is!"

"Oh my god, why is there so much blood?"

"I told you Dream was fucking doing something to him."

"Yeah- you did"

"Okay boys let's get him back to the house, alright?"

"Alright Dadza"

*next morning*

Techno awoke with a groan, his head throbbing as he sat up. He freaked out a bit before realizing he was in his bed..

"Was it a dream?"

Techno began to get into a more comfortable position, but winced as he felt the stinging of his wrists return, to his surprise the rope burns were there.

"Soooo- not a dream then-"

He felt bandages securely wrapped around his torso, he heard his door beginning to open and quickly looked at the entrance being met with Phil.

"Oh!- your awake, I just came to check up on you.."

Phil studied Techno's eyes before looking away for a split second. The ruby red color was very beautiful, but also very intimidating when need be.

"Soooooo- do you need anything? Water? Food?"

The older asked, wanting to make sure Techno was okay.

"Oh- um, yeah a glass of water would be nice.."

"Sure, I'll be right back Techno. Also, lay down it isn't good for you to be sitting up at the moment- your still injured."

Techno looked at Phil's concerned look before looking away again nodding slightly and layed back down making sure not to hurt himself while repositioning.


He heard a familiar voice, one of which he both hated, and loved.


Tommy immediately ran into the room tackling Techno in a hug.

"Techno! I'm so sorry I left you there. But you know- what Dream would do if he- ya know saw me. So I went to find help! But we were too late to get there before you got injured badly.."

His eyes widened for a moment, quickly standing up after noticing he was hugging Techno without permission.

Techno noticed the act and grabbed Tommy's wrist pulling him back into another hug.

"It's fine- at first I though you left cause you didn't care- but after thinking it over in the way here. I knew I was too emotional at the time to make a fair judgement. It's okay Tommy, don't worry.

Tommy had already been crying, worn out from the walking, working, running, and worrying that he had fallen asleep on Techno.

Techno smiled to himself and rensituated Tommy so that he was on the bed aswell sleeping peacefully.

"Hahaha, looks like Tommy found out you were awake. I got your water, where do you want me to put it?"

"On the nightstand would be fine. Thank you Phil."

"Welcome, make sure you rest, youu out don't need to worry us any further."

"Got it, Phil."

Techno rested his eyes, and ended up falling asleep with Tommy. They looked very peaceful while sleeping, opposite to how their normally presented.

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