Burrow (Fundy

715 30 16

TW: Mentions of:

Bad Relationships

Las Nevadas has opened. For most people that was an exciting thing! Something to look forward to being a part of every morning.

But for some people. It stresses them out further than when it wasn't open yet.

One of those people were Fundy. He gets nervous over the smallest things anyways, and rarely voices when he's uncomfortable with something.

Fundy had been having more frequent nightmares sing the place opened, and trying to diffuse the situations his mind made for him was practically impossible..

But! Nonetheless Fundy decided he should talk to someone about the nightmares, the blood, death, the smell of gunpowder in the air and static in his ears. Weather they were a worrying thought about the future or a memory from the past; he wasn't sure..

His first thought of who he would go to was Sam.. Fundy hasn't seen Sam in quite a while, the other man was certainly capable of listening to his problems, that was one of his strengths..

Not to mention that Sam has had nightmares about things in the past. Fundy wouldn't have know this fact, but when his boss, gets a bit too drunk he lets it slip that his long term business partner also has problems.

Fundy asked Foolish if he's seen Sam. Foolish thought about it for a bit before mumbling a response and turning away.

Apparently Foolish had more pressing issues to worry about. Sam wasn't one of them. So Fundy was at square one yet again.

His last option was Quackity, his boss. Who was cooped up in his office in the needle doing paperwork, and filing.

Fundy lightly knocked on the door, and heard a Geoff voice from the other side say "come in.."

Quackity wasn't expecting Fundy, by the way his eyes darted up at the orange and white splotched hair, and swinging tail. And his eyebrows raised ever so slightly once his brain comprehended who was here.

Quackity looked back down at his paperwork and waited for Fundy to start talking.

"Hey, Q. I wanted to talk to you about something..."

Quackity looked up from his papers momentarily studying the others face. Before nodding and going back to reading over the papers on his desk.

"Well.. ummm, I've been having more nightmares recently- and wanted to talk to you about them.."

The slight questioning edge to Fundy's voice annoyed Quackity. It annoyed him that the other could never state what he wanted, and always made it out to be a suggestion.

"Go find Foolish. Or Sam. I'm busy right now Fundy.."

Fundy paused and took in a breath before continuing.

"I can't find Sam, Foolish dosen't know where he is. And Foolish is working on a new project..My apologies Q, but I really need to talk about it and nobody's left but you...."

Quackity looked up at the other an annoyed scowl on his face.

"Then I don't know. Go find your Dad, for all I care. Hell! Go talk to Tommy if it's really bothering you that much!.."

Fundy visibly stiffened from the yelling and further so when the other talked about his "Dad" yeah right. Like you could even call him that. Or Tommy, maybe they used to be close, and then they were on mutual terms. But when him and Techno came around L'manburg looking for Technoblade's weapons. All of it fell apart while he was being interrogated. He won't go into much detail, but he still remembers how cold that water was....

"Why would you even suggest that! You know my relationship with those two. My family hates me. There's no way I would want to talk to them about something this personal. Even if they were willing to listen."

Quackity getting further annoyed stood up from his seat quickly and slammed his fists on the desk. Some of the papers went flying off the desk from the force.

Fundy stopped. He curled into himself just slightly at the action.

Quackity put his hand to his forehead trying to calm down.

Before looking up again his wings spread out further, and it was clear to the other hybrid that it was a warning.

"Fundy. I'm already stressed with paperwork. I don't need your petty issues put into me aswell. Go find someone else to talk to. Now."

Fundy's eyes widened and he stood his ground, even if it scared him.

"You can't just innore this like everyone else's issues! This is important! Just like how whatever Sam was going through was important! I need to tell you about it because you're my last option. I wouldn't be asking it I didn't have anyone else to go to."

Quackity was out from behind his desk and stepping closer to Fundy.

Fundy tried to keep him ground, but the intimidating stare of his boss was enough to make him cower slightly.

Quackity grabbed Fundy's shirt collar and yanked him closer and a bit up, making him have to balance on the tips of his shoes.

Fundy's ears flattened back against his head, and he bared his teeth out of instinct.

"I swear to god if you don't get the fuck out of my sight. Right Now. I'm going to muzzle you. Mutt."

Fundy's blood ran cold. MUTT what the hell.

He knew the intention behind Quackity's words were to make him stand down.

But the voice in the back of his head kept telling him that he would go through with it. Quackity would chain and muzzle him up. Like he was some sort of pet. Or an object...

When Fundy worked with Schlatt the man would often threaten to do this when Fundy was an annoying him when he was drunk. 

Quackity's had to have overheard those conversations being the man's husband, and part of the cabinet.

So why would he say that?

Quackity finally let go of his collar after realizing what exactly he said. He didn't apologize. He just mumbled for Fundy to get out, and went back to his desk.

Fundy's ears were still down aswell as his head, he was looking at his feet. His tail dragged across the ground as he walked out.

As soon as he got out of the needle he started running. What else are you supposed to do. Just cry in front of all the guests?

He made it to an old borrow outside in the forest that he had made when his house hadn't been finished yet.

He slid down the dirt and stone wall. Dirtying up his white shirt.

It was getting harder to breath. Memories of the past were flying through his head. Yelling, threatening, drinking, smoking, gunpowder, yelling, screaming, smoking, tnt, yelling, drinking, smoking, gambling, yelling, yelling...

Focus Fundy focus. You need to calm down.

He tried to move from the wall and stand, up to get more air through his lungs.

But whimpered and fell back onto the ground when he started seeing dots in his vision from the lack of oxygen.

His hand searched around for anything he could grab onto that he left on the ground in here.

And he found his nest. His nest where peoples items that he stole were.
His breathing calmed slightly at the thought, and he tried to crawl over into it.

He spotted Tommy's old shirt, Technoblade's cape. An old bucket hat Phil used to wear. He saw one of Quackity's ties, one of Foolish's necklaces and bracelet. One of Sam's jackets he lent to the younger on a cold night when they were hanging out. Wilbur- not Dad's but Wilbur's scarf that he stole after he was deemed a traitor in Pogtopia. One of Niki's sweaters. That one was probably the oldest there. They didn't talk anymore.

He sat with all of the items the hybrid side of him told him to sleep. So he did. And he stayed sleeping there for a couple of hours.

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