Torture (Tommy)

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Hey y'all! I'm back from the dead- decided too give you guys some more Tommy angst :),  planning on spoiling you guys for the next two weeks so be prepared for that! P.S. enjoy a picture of me and by friend on Minecraft- I was trapped it a box btw-

Sensory Deprivation

Tommy POV-

It was supposed to be a normal day- why can't anything go right..

Third POV-

Tommy was in for it now- he snuck into the prison, and ended up getting Ghostbur killed- not to mention that Wilbur was revived cause of Dream- just great another problem for the 17 year old boy to worry about.

Ranboo and Tubbo were upset nonetheless, Tommy had never seen or heard Ranboo that angry before- And Ranboo didn't even know Wilbur, having joined the server after his death, he only saw the pain it caused..

"Ah- it feels good to be home- how are you doing Toms?"

The question bewildered the younger boy- struggling to stay in touch with reality- he felt as though he was going to throw up, Ghostbur died- and now one of the more memorable Puppet Masters as he called them, was back.

God did he wish this day was over, though it wasn't- of course it wasn't- there was still the consequences to his decision.

Tommy held Friend's lead close to his body. Not answering Wilbur's question his playful expression changed into one of a scowl.

"Tommy- TOMMMY!"

Tommy's head snapped up to look at Wilbur- looking distraught he hated yelling, especially if it reminded him of a bad memory..Or if the person yelling just happened to be Dream or Wilbur.

"What- I didn't hear what you said.."

Wilbur scoffed looking sour at the fact the boy he one else had a tight hold on seemed to be able to tell him he made a mistake- or needed help understanding something without apologizing first- all of Wilbur's "Hard" work gone to waste- though he did seem satisfied when he stepped closer to said boy and he flinched- like He was going to hit the smaller boy- slap him perhaps, the same cold hand as the one that was regularly layed upon the boy when they were in Pogtopia, of course it was easy to lose control and hit Tommy- especially with his awfully loud nature, and Wilbur gone off the rails.

"Still in your memory I see."

Wilbur let out a laugh, seeing as the other stepped back a bit.

"I asked how you were doing Toms, God I thought you had actually learned to listen after everything I had done..."

Tommy let out a silent breath and answered the question. "Not the best but better that I have been I guess.."

The long awaited reply being a sorry excuse of a "catch up" in Wilbur's opinion.

"Ok we'll I'm going to head out, as much as I loved seeing you- there's an angry man who's walking towards us, and me just being revived and all I don't feel like it's a good idea to interact with the man-

Tommy's breath hitched at the description having a good idea of who it might've been.

Tommy turned around to see Sam walking towards them.

"Wait Wilbur don't leave me with hi-"

Tommy's sentence was cut short when he turned around and Wilbur had seemingly disappeared.

"Fuckin prick...."


Tommy froze in place almost forgetting that an angry Sam had previously been walking towards him. Turning around to be met face to face with the Creeper hybrid.

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