Where'd We Go?

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        .:Hikaru's PoV:.
       I woke up in the bed, panting and sweating. Sounds like I had another nightmare, right? Wrong. I just had a very confusing and, slightly ashamed to admit it, enjoyable dream. I sat up fully and retraced my dream.
       I walked in a field filled with pansies and roses of all colors and occasionally stopped to smell a rose here and there. I continued walking down the endless pathway until a giant rose bush stopped me in my tracks. All over the foliage were two kinds of roses, a light sky blue and an orange one, and each of them were right next together, strangely intertwined. Like when you pinkie promise with someone and  your fingers intertwine, that's how the roses were together. 
        I brushed my fingers over the soft petals of an orange rose and was completely awed by it's beauty. That is until I saw the orange roses wilt and the blue stay perfectly fine. It was almost like the blue roses were completely oblivious to the orange roses' wilting. I tried to stand it up and help it, but no matter what I tried it didn't work. I suddenly got an idea and as stupid as it sounds, it was worth a try. I lightly puckered my lips and kissed a single orange rose on it's soft petals. I released it and, to my utter surprise, it stood up straight and bloomed like nothing ever happened. That is until the blue roses twirled around the orange roses and locked it in an even tighter embrace. 
        "That's what happens when the one you love finally takes a hint and discovers their true feelings." A familiar voice calls out from behind me. I spin around and come face-to-face with Tamaki-senpai and Kyoya-senpai. Tamaki nods in agreement with Kyoya's words. "He's right. Even though you don't see it, the rest of the world does. Someone who's under your nose needs you and wants you to realize your feelings so they don't want you to think weird of them." Honey-senpai bounces into the scene with Mori-senpai not long after. "Look at the roses Hika-chan. If you think about it, who do you think they resemble."
        "I don't see what you all mean." I mumble, clearly annoyed by all of their rambling. "Of course you don't. You're even thicker than blood against water." Haru walks into the scene with a figure behind her. An irk mark appeared on my head, "What does that mean?!" Everyone chuckles at my short burst and Haru holds my hands. "Look, we've had some good times, but let's face it. We are not meant for each other. There's someone else who needs you." As she releases my hands, she and the others (Except that dark figure) start to fade away. Right before they completely disappeared, they said simultaneously "Do you get it now..."
        The figure  lost it's shadowing and revealed a familiar red head that could be mistaken for me any day. As the groups's words faded out he finished the sentence with, "Hika?"
        ~Dream End~
       My head hurt from thinking it over but a bright light broke my thoughts. I glanced out the window and saw our limousine pull up into the front gates. "What's the limo doing at this hour?" Once it stopped, the chauffeur opened the back door and I saw three figures clamber out. I squinted to get a better view and my eyes widened. I saw Mother and father walk near the mansion but they looked sad, sadder than usual. I also saw faint shimmering streaks of tears on Mum's face. As they were about to enter the house, Dad called out to the third figure and I saw it shake their head and walk into the garden.
        As the third figure walked into the cluster of greens, I couldn't make out who it was. I quietly slipped on my slippers, or as quietly as I could manage, and slipped out my room. I made sure I didn't by-pass anyone, including my parents, and headed for the garden.
        As I walked out into the cold night sky, I could make out a faint sound in the distance. As I carefully walked more into the maze of plants, the sound became more distinct and I figured out it was someone crying. Not just anyone however, it was Kaoru crying. I gasped silently and ran over to my weeping brother. "Kaoru?" 
        He jumped and shoved what looked like a picture back into his pocket and I noticed he was wearing his tuxedo. "What happened? Why are you dressed like that? Why are you out here?" I bombard him with questions and he sniffles and sucks up his tears, acting like nothing happened in the first place. "N-Nothing's wrong Hika. I should be asking you why are you out here?" I frown at his change of subject but answer. "I saw Mum, dad, and you drive up earlier and I came to find you." I answered. "Looking... for me...?" He squeaked as he looked down. 
        I sighed and embraced my brother, worried that he'd might start crying again. "Now, answer me. Why are you crying?" He physically tensed at either the embrace or the question, maybe both. "W-well, I was just thinking about... about how to tell someone that I love them." I was about to congratulate him until he cut me off, "Problem is, well, they're in their own relationship with someone else and I'm afraid that they'll make fun of me or avoid me forever because..." Kao trailed off and I snapped him back into reality. "Because of what Kao?" My brother's eyes welled up with tears and buried his head in my chest.
        Suddenly, images began tracing through my head and I slowly released Kao, afraid I'll fall down. 'Don't... do... that.' 'Yeah, I'm fine. But, who's us?' 'Ah, just had to think of something.' 'I'd just tell them my true feelings. If they like you back they'll surely say so. Who knows, your true love might be right in front of your eyes and you may not notice it.' 
        I back tracked and I felt Kaoru help me onto a bench. "Hikaru... You okay?" His voice was fading in and out as more memories flooded my mind. I held my head as something lit up my mind. Kaoru. He always defended me when things got out of hand. He always stuck to my side if I needed help. How he talked me out of bad decisions. How he always talked with venom whenever I mention Haruhi or someone else I liked. How he didn't want to separate into different rooms at first. How he always blushed on sight whenever I did an act with him. How he loves me... love. 
        The roses, the blue and orange roses, I know who they resemble now. I know why the orange roses were wilting and how my kiss saved them now. It makes sense if I think about it. If Kaoru was dimming, he'd need some kind of comfort  and love enable to save him. Then he'd be back while I'd tighten my embrace on him to make sure he doesn't slip away from me anymore. 
        .:Kaoru's PoV:.
       What's going on Kay? Is Hika sick? I honestly don't know, but he look doesn't  too well. I kneel down on my knees and I try to snap Hikaru back into reality. Hika finally snaps out of his trance and looks over to me with wide eyes. I look at him with confusion and open my mouth to question him further, but the words never come out. They never made it out because...

        I felt warm lips make contact with my own.

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