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   .:Kaoru's PoV:.
       I yawned and opened my amber eyes. Sunlight was no longer shining through my curtains and it was dark in my room. I glanced at the small clock on my cell and realized it was nearly midnight. I sighed deeply and my throat felt dry. "Water wouldn't hurt." I mumbled as I crawled out of bed and slipped on my slippers. I shuffle out my room and down the stairs into the entering area. I hear a familiar clicking, the sound of heels walking on mahogany, Mother. I walk out of the room and turn the corner to the hall where my parent's rooms are.
        "Should we really leave him alone at a time like this?" I hear Mother say. I hear a disapproving grunt from Dad, "He'll be fine Yuzuha. Besides, it's a tradition on his... special day. " He emphasized special day, what does that mean? Maybe you should appear beside them and be creepy, or you can just ask them.... but seriously I prefer the first one. Oh shut up Kay, you sound just like Hikaru. Sorry Mr.Grumpy pants... 
        "Mum? Dad?" I asked walking from the corner. Mum gasped and turned around swiftly. "Kaoru? What are you doing up so late?" Dad asked, worry to his voice. "I could ask you the same thing." I reply, really wanting to find out what they're discussing. "See what I mean, hon? He's gonna found out sooner or later, now it's sooner." Mom says sadly. I tilt my head in confusion and they look at me weirdly. "Go change into your best suit son. We're going out." Mom orders and I comply. 
        After I change and all that, I stick the photo of Hikaru and I in my pocket. I run back downstairs and see Mum and Dad waiting by the doors, in their usual formal attire. "Ready?" Dad asks me and I nod. "Where are we going exactly?" I ask the obvious as we get in the car. "You'll see right now." Mom answers with a shaky voice.
        The chauffeur starts driving and I glance out the window. The sky was cloudy and foggy, only the bright silhouette of the moon could be seen. Very few cars passed by, seeing as it was late. I sigh quietly and take the picture of my twin out, putting it in my hands brought a sense of emptiness. I stared at his face and studied it. Yup not creepy at all.. Shut up, something's just not right. Hikaru can't just change over-night. Unless, he's always been distant and now he's bored of me, his younger brother. But, he's always relied on me, we've never separated, we've always been together since we were born
        "Kaoru honey you're drooling." Mom pats my shoulder and I quickly wipe it away. "Sorry." I mumble as I slowly place the picture back in my pocket. Dad talks to the chauffeur up front about something and Mom scoots closer to me. "Kaoru, honey, can we talk?" I look away  from the window and face her. "Sure Mom, what about?" She smiles a bit and pats my lap. "I know about your feelings for your brother." She speaks lowly so only I could hear. My face pales but my cheeks burn scarlet and I start sweating nervously. "Y-You do?" She knows! Evacuate! Abandon Ship!
        Mum nods and laughs slightly, "Yes, I do. But don't worry, I don't care nor think differently of you because of your boy crush. Neither does Ol' pop over there." She motions to Dad still talking to the chauffeur with her head. I sigh in relief and grab my chest. "You seriously had me worried there." I mutter and she laughs. "Heh, just remember Kaoru, don't let Hikaru get to you. He might say things he doesn't really understand, he's still short-tempered y'know." I nod and the cars slows down in front of an old cemetery. 
        We all get out and walk down the dirt path, where I see dozens of tomb-stones lined up horizontally. Each death getting younger as we trudge on. I see my parents ahead slow their pace and finally stop in front of a tomb stone that looked young but at the same time worn out. They placed four roses on the stone and I was shocked when I read the words.
      ' Akio Hitachiin ' It read then continued; 'Feb 13th, 1998 - Dec 15th2001' And a little message on the bottom ended the memorial; 'Forever in our Hearts
        My eyes were probably as big as saucers by now and I didn't know what to say or do. Finally, my parents spoke up. "Hello Akio. It's us again, but this time we brought your brother Kaoru." Mom paused and gathered her breath back, trying to keep in a sob from erupted. "We're sorry we couldn't visit earlier, we had a very important meeting to attend and we hope you understand." Mom finally broke and started to cry uncontrollably, which I went to her side, still unable to speak. "It's been 13 years now, Hikaru and Kaoru are all grown up now." My father spoke. I couldn't really get an emotion out from him since he was stoic. 
        "I'm sorry Akio, if only we had known.... this, this is our fault..." Mother said between sobs. I patted her back, trying calm her down but her tears were still flowing. Something warm and wet rolled down my cheek and I traced the line with my finger. I was crying, but why? I don't know what happened to Akio. Was it because I Hear my parents crying? Finally I found my voice.
        "W-What happened.... to Akio?" I asked shakily. Dad kneeled next to me and embraced me. "Let's go back. Then we'll talk about it."

To Be Continued...

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