Bulletproof Love

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        .:Kaoru's PoV:.
       After Kat ran out the cafe, I placed the needles and the vile in my pocket and paid the bill. "Thank you, come again!" The waitresses exclaimed as I exited. I felt my phone vibrate and I looked at the title screen to see the caller. "Hello?" "Good evening Master Kaoru, would you like for me to pick you up now?" My chauffeur asked. "Yes please. I'm at..." I looked behind me to see the name of the cafe. "Chail Cafe?" "Very well, I'll be there in a few minutes." I closed my phone, ending the call. 
        Soon enough, my brother won't be as dependent on me as I am on him. He took the first step into a whole new world, but I'm not sure I want to move forward. I want to stay back here, in my own isolated land, only accompanied by Kat and Hikaru. But that won't happen anymore. Hikaru's grown up and he doesn't need to stick by his little brother anymore to be happy. Kat, she probably has a happy life also, she seems like the person whose supportive but never wants to get in deep with other people's problems.  So if I wanted an island to myself, it'd only be me, no one that I know nor would want to know, just me and Kay. I never agreed to that name. Shuddap.
        The chauffeur drove up and I happily jumped in the backseat, but my happy meter went down, way down when someone else was in there. Not just someone though, Hikaru. And of course who follows him around all day like a stray dog, the female dog Haruhi. "Hey baby bro, what's up?" His cool voice rang through my ears, and I  fought the urge to burst out crying. I flipped around and spoke in my chauffeur's ear, "You did not inform me my older brother would be riding with me this evening!" I whispered. "I am sorry but as I was leaving he insisted on coming to pick you up." I sighed and sat back down as the limo proceeded home. "So how was the date?" Hika asked out of the blue. I coughed and looked up at him. "D-Date?" 
        "Well, yeah. Aren't you dating that Kat girl?" He smirked and I nearly ran out of breath. "No, no,no,no. We're just friends. In fact, we see each other as siblings!" I explained. He and Haruhi went 'Oooh.' "Well,okay. But that'll be weird if you do end up liking each other." I made the wrong decision asking, "Why?" He wrapped an arm around Haru's shoulders and smiled, "It's gonna be gross and taboo if siblings actually like each other. Like our act, we pretend we love each other in many ways, but both of us know we will never like each other in that way." My breath hitched and I felt my heart stop. Haruhi looked at me through the corners of her eyes and smirked, "It's so bizarre how siblings can love each other." She  pointed out and Hikaru, agreed. 
        The ride stopped and once the chauffeur opened the shiny door, I bolted out and ran inside. I by-passed the maids and my parents, tears flowing from my eyes. "Kaoru!" Mum, Dad, some of the oldest maids shouted for me, but I didn't stop. I kept running until I got to my room. I slammed the door and ran into my messy bed. I gathered the blanket and hugged it like a child would cling to their mother's leg. I sobbed as his words swam through my head. 'Gross. Taboo. Pretend to Love. Bizarre.' 
        I felt my door burst open and the pants of numerous people. "Kaoru!" Mum shouted. I hugged the blanket tighter and buried myself underneath another blanket. Hey, why do we have so many blankets on our bed. I've wondered that too Kay, but it is comfy, minus the billions of people staring at you like your a mad man. Well you did burst into the house crying waterfalls. Good point. 
        "Kaoru, what's wrong baby?" Mum petted some of my hair that was sticking out from the blanket. "Can you close the door?" My voice muffled asked. I hear dad shoo away the maids and close the door. I sat up and hugged Mum. "C-Can I ask you something?" I hesitated. "Go ahead son." Dad sat beside me. I took a deep breath before looking down. "D-Do you think it's weird to li- to love the same gender as yourself?" They stayed silent for a few minutes, the only sound in the room was my occasional sniffle and unsteady breathing. "Kaoru, son." I flinched as Dad patted my shoulder. "I know I haven't been here all the time to see you grow up, I haven't been here to help you with the difficult problems through-out life, but I will help you now." I was confused by his words until he embraced me in a hug which Mother soon joined also. "If it makes you happy son, then it'll make me happy as well. Do what your heart says, don't wait for the beating to stop to confess." Mom said with a big smile and Dad nodded. I smiled also and hugged them both. "Thank you." 
        The next day, Mom and Dad swore to keep our conversation between us three as they left for work. I waved bye and went back inside. I was walking until I bumped into someone. "Sorry." We both said at the same time. I looked up and see I just bumped into my brother. I quickly got up and offered a hand to him. His warm hand wrapped around my cold one and I pulled him up. "Hey, I wanted to talk to you anyway." He said. "I'm taking Haruhi to our summer vacation home up in the mountains for Christmas break." I faked a smile and praised him, but right now I really just wanted to murder someone. Maybe that OBA stuff will help me out a bit.

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