Too Many Changes?

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.:Kaoru's PoV:.

       I watched as Hikaru walked around with his arm draped over Haruhi's shoulders. The guests left a while ago but Tamaki "ordered" us to stay. "Okay, now I bet you're all wondering why I kept you here." I roll my eyes and feel a slight pressure on my shoulder. I look to my left and see Kat has fallen asleep on my shoulder. I smiled slightly and took her glasses off and placed them on the near-by coffee table. ''Hikaru, Haruhi. You both are dismissed. Everyone else, stay." Kyoya ordered. Hikaru and Haruhi laughed while walking out and Honey-senpai locked the doors behind them. 

        "Well, anything you want to say Kaoru?" Everyone turned their heads to look at me and I tried to shrink back. "Uhm, hi?" I tried my best to avoid their gazes. "That wasn't what I meant." Toro rubbed his temples. I chuckled slightly and felt Kat stir awake. "Sorry did I wake you?" She yawned and nodded. "It's cool, sorry for falling asleep. I just got tired of Hikaru's bullshit." she said groggily. I stifled a laugh along with Kyoya and Mori. "Mama~ My newest daughter used a dirty word!" Tamaki-senpai started bothering Kyoya. 

        "Anyway, Kaoru, don't listen to these boys. I know what you'll need but I won't let you use it until I see you're in the suffering state. Right now, you are angered and sad, but you're perfectly fine." She explains, putting her glasses back on. I have to say, she's actually right. I'm angry and sad at the same time, but not enough to anything too drastic. 

        "Hey today's Friday, huh?" I asked out of no-where. Everyone nods and I grab my bag and start dashing out. "Peace!". I hear several shouts for my name but I keep running. I call my driver and tell him to pick me up now. He obeys and almost five minutes he drives into the school gates. He stops and opens the door for me. I hop in with a smile and I squirm in my seat. It's Friday! That means 2 days without Haruhi or anyone but my brother. I began thinking of the things we can do together at home.

        "Hikaru!" I whine. He laughs and kisses my cheek. "I'm sorry but you're just so cute when you're embarrassed." My blush becomes heavier and I nuzzled my face into his neck. "It's too early." I yawn. He chuckles and straddles my torso, "Ah, but you don't mind now do you." He leans closer to my face and I do the same. We were only centimeters apart-

        "Master, we're here." The driver says. I sigh in frustration that I didn't finish my fantasy but I'm glad that I'm home. I jump out the car and run inside the mansion. "Welcome master." The maids greet me and I nod in response. I walk into the living room and I immediately regret it. Hikaru is in here, but there's also Haruhi. He's on top of her and they didn't even notice me walk in. Too busy sucking on each other's faces I guess. "Ahem." I clear my throat, with a poker face on. Hikaru jumps up a bit and he looks at me with a shocked face. "Oh, uh, Hi." I drop my bag and slowly back out of the room. I close the door and I hear Haruhi's voice. "Well, that was interesting. I better get home, Dad's coming home early today." I cheered a bit but flinched as the memory of him and her replays in my mind. 

        I hear footsteps come closer to the door and I run upstairs into our room. I crawl to the bed and hide under the covers. I grab the journal I keep under my pillow and a pen from the side table.

        Dear Journal,

       I can't get that burning image out from my head. I literally walked in on Hikaru and Haruhi making out. They announced their relationship today also, so a lot of things happened today. Of course, I'm sad that Hikaru is taken now but I can't help but feel like Haruhi has something against me. I never noticed it before but now that I think of it, she always gives me a dirty look whenever I try to talk to Hikaru, let alone touch him. Him, my brother! What now, Hikaru moves Haruhi into the mansion? Ah we-

        "Hey there, whatcha writing?" Hikaru's voice sings behind me. I slam the book shut and stand up abruptly. "What? Me? Nothing!" He laughs but it doesn't last very long. "Hey listen." He takes a sharp breath and I gulp. He's never this serious. "Haruhi said that if she and I were dating, I couldn't allow you to sleep in my bed anymore." My breath hitches and my heart stopped beating for a second. "What?" He lowers his head and his bangs cover his eyes. "She's right you know. Yeah, we've been sleeping with each other for 16 years." Oh how I wish we'd been sleeping for 16 years. Dafuq, where did that come from. "But maybe it's time we grew up and got separate rooms." I try my best to hold back all of my tears and I look down. He's ditching me?! And for what, that... that horse-mouthed double decker pig-fart?! Wow, nice insult Kaoru. You shut your face Kaoru number 2. Psh, fine.

        I quickly grab my pillow and run out the room. I run down the hall to where my own room was. I open the squeaky door and a blast of coldness hit me. I walk inside the cold room and sit on my dusty bed. I fall back onto the hard mattress and look to the ceiling. I can't handle all of these changes, they're just too much.

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