Kaoru's Delusions

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        .:Kaoru's PoV:.

        A single tear streamed down my face and I quickly wiped it away. I was about to land a punch, but my phone started vibrating. I growled and looked at the small device. Hikaru. It read and I quickly answered it. "Hello?" I tried my best to sound normal, but my voice squeaked a bit. "Kaoru, where are you?! The chauffeur said you weren't coming home with us! Are you okay?" I smiled at his protectiveness but my smile soon faltered. "Yeah, I'm fine. But, who's us?" I asked with hidden venom dripping from that last word. I had an idea of who it was but I couldn't say it. "Hm? Oh, I forgot to tell you that Haruhi is gonna be coming over. " My breath hitched in my throat and I gripped the cell harder. "Oh, okay. I'll be home in about 10 minutes." Before he could reply I snapped the phone shut and I collapsed onto the floor again.

        "Great." Hint the sarcasm. I stood up and patted the poor tree I beat up. I started walking home and I looked up at the sky. It was a pretty mix of orange and gold, maybe a few drops of red in the center. I smiled and closed my eyes, enjoying the quiet moment. A hand patted my shoulder and I quickly spun around to look at the person it belonged to. There stood my big brother and he had one of his grand-winning smiles plastered on his face. "Hey bro, miss me?" He wrapped his arms around my waist and back and pulled me into a warm hug. I blushed in his neck and I awkwardly hugged back. "Wanna hear a secret?" He whispered into my ear. My face heated up more and I nod slowly. He pulled back and he lifted my face with his fingers. "Don't tell anyone." He whispered and smiled. His lips met mine and my amber eyes widened. He kissed with a fiery passion and I melted into the kiss. 

        "Excuse me." A husky voice called and I opened my eyes. A man passed by me and I looked around. There was no Hikaru, no love, ...no kiss. I was still standing on that same sidewalk, where I was looking up into the sky. I mentally slapped myself and I cursed at myself for thinking that'll ever happen. I walked a bit faster towards home and that memory kept replaying in my mind. A slight smile came on my face as I thought that could happen, maybe just by 1% chance. "Welcome home Master Hitachiin." My butler greets me, I didn't even notice I was home. I just nodded in response and walked into my mansion. 

        "Sometimes, the number is replaced by the decimal and you just divide." I hear an all-too-familiar voice say. My smile goes down as I peek in the living room. Hikaru is sitting Indian style and Haruhi's explaining some math problem to him. I sigh and walk in, dropping my bag beside the door. "Hello, Haruhi, Hikaru." I greet. Hikaru look up and smiles and Haruhi waves. "Why did you walk? You look beat." Tell me about it. "Ah, just had to think of something." I replied. They nod and I walk out. "I'll be in the room." I say. I walk up the stairs and run to our room. I shut the door and slide down. I pull my knees up and bury my face between my arms. "Every time I see him, I get this feeling of anger, but then it cools down into this mushy feeling. I don't like this. I crawled into the plush bed and closed my eyes.

        "Hey get up. C'mon Kao!" I slowly opened my eyes and met identical ones staring back at me. "Finally, I thought I was going to have to jump on you.'' Hikaru smiles and lifts me up from the bed. "Wha- What are you doing, I can walk!" I squirm in his tight grasp. "Don't be that way, or else."  He teases. I look at him and was about to question what he meant but his lips crashed into mine. He deepened the kiss a bit and I let out a little moan. He pulls away and smiles down at me. "Or else that." I blushed and wrapped my arms around his neck giving him a little peck on the cheek. "I love..." His words were drowned out and everything went blurry.

        "Are you going to wake up soon?" Another similar voice said. I opened my eyes and sat up from the bed I was on. I looked around and realization came slapping me in the face. "Oh..." Was all I could say. "Thank god you're awake, I thought you were dead!" The real Hikaru exclaims. I rub my eyes and yawn. "Sorry, where's Haruhi?'' I ask. He turns to me and sighs. "She went home about 2 hours ago." "Oh."

        "Say, Kaoru, if you really liked someone and you were going to tell them, how would you do it?" He suddenly asks, with his bangs covering his eyes. My heart sped up a bit and I looked at him with a small smile. "I'd just tell them my true feelings. If they like you back they'll surely say so. Who knows, your true love might be right in front of your eyes and you may not notice it." I replied with a spark of hope. He smiles and hugs me. "Thanks baby bro, I knew I could count on you! Now can I tell you why I asked that?" He asks with a cheeky smile. My heart skipped a beat and I was dying from all of the emotions I was holding in. I nod and motion for him to go on. His smile gets bigger. "Well, I was going to confess to Haruhi tomorrow!"

        Your true love is right in front of your eyes and you may not notice it.

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