Until the Day I Die

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       .:Kaoru's PoV:.
       I walked down the salmon colored halls with a gloomy aura surrounding me. I helped him. I helped the one I love with the one he loves. Yesterday, I couldn't sleep thinking of what would happen today.

        *Flash Back*
       "Really? That's so cool!" I plastered a fake smile on my face. He smiled too and ruffled my auburn hair. "Isn't it?" Suddenly, a question popped in my mind. "So, how long have you had eyes on her?" The question stung my heart but his answer made it burn. "Hm, well, ever since she first told us apart. That when I realized I had these feelings." I held back a sob and smiled at his happy face. "Hey would you mind if you ride alone tomorrow to school. I need to get up extra early and I wouldn't want to wake you." He smirked and I pouted. "Looks like you need some more beauty sleep bro."
        *Flash Forward*

        I sighed heavily at that memory and headed to my locker. This day went by so slow. As I turned the corner, I bumped into someone and we both fell down. "Oh my gosh, are you okay? I'm so sorry!" I apologized frantically as I stood up. "Kaoru, it's fine. Quit worrying so much." A familiar voice rings out. I open my eyes and help Katura up. She brushes dust off her uniform, which I usually frown in disgust but it actually suits her, and she smiles at me. I noticed she had red rimmed glasses on her today. "Oh, sorry Katura. Hey, I didn't know you wore glasses." I pointed out. She giggles and pushes them up a bit. Wow, she's gotten more comfortable around me. "Yup, I lost them yesterday so that's why I wasn't wearing them." She explains. She shakes her head and her smile goes down. "Hey, what's with you? Is it Hikaru?" A blush covers my ears and cheeks and I look away. "Tch, no." I click my tongue.
        She raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms. "Okay, one: You don't click your tongue at me, and second: I know you like him more than a brother." I freeze and look at her. She's smiling like a maniac right now. "Oh c'mon. It's actually pretty obvious." I mentally slap myself and I walk to my locker. I sigh again and look inside my locker. If it's really obvious then how can he be so clueless. He's so dense. Denser than a metal rod. Metal rods are good for fishing. Focus Kaoru!
        "Now I'd hurry up or you'll be late for your club thingy." She links her arm around mine ans starts pulling me. Midway she stops and looks down. "Hey Kaoru. Promise you won't be weirded out by this or anything?" She asks and I look at her. "What is it?" She takes a small breath and looks up to me. "Well, I, uhm, I kinda think of you as anolderbrother." She speaks really fast, but I understood it. I smile and ruffle her black hair. "I think of you as a smaller sister so I suppose we're even." She smiles really wide and hugs my side. "From now on I'm calling you Onii-chan!" She declares and I chuckle. "Okay, imouto-chan. (1)" She laughs and continues dragging me to the club doors. 
        We open the door and the usual rose petals float. Is there like a pressure plate somewhere here? No, Kaoru, it's not minecraft. We walk in arms still connected and surprisingly not one girl is in here yet. "Ooh, Kao-chan. Is this your new girlfriend?" Honey asks, skipping to me. I stifle a laugh as Kat shakes her head vigorously. "No! He's my Onii-chan!" She waves around. Honey tilts his adorable head in confusion. "I think of her as my imouto-chan and she thinks of me as her onii-chan." I explain. Honey 'Oh's and smiles. "Well, that's okay too! Wanna have some cake?" Kat jumps up and runs off with honey to his cake stash. 
        "Okay, men, and Haruhi, positions!" Toro exclaims in his usual pose. We all gather around the red throne and someone wraps their arms around my neck. "Hey baby bro, haven't seen you all day!" Hikaru and poses next to me and I fake smile. The doors fly open and rose petal fly out. Yup, it's pressure plated, it's Minecraft now. "Welcome." We greet as all of the girls swoon. We walk to our usual tables and our guests sit with us. I look to my right and my brother's not there. 
        We do our usual hosting except Hikaru doesn't come to do our forbidden love act, he stays with Haruhi and her guests the whole time. Wait, don't tell me, no. "Excuse everyone." I look behind me with a scared expression and see Hikaru holding Haruhi's hand. My eyes dilate and he continues to speak. "I thought that I might tell you guys that. Haruhi and I are now officially dating!" He swoops her and gives her a kiss on her mouth. Tamaki-senpai rages about his daughter being stolen by  a devilish twin, but no one hears him and everyone pays attention to the now smooching couple. Most of the girls swooned and had nosebleeds about the news but I'd say 2% were disgusted by it. My eyes were glossed and I felt two hands on both of my shoulders. I look back to see a sad smiling Kat and Kyoya. He had an almost noticeable sympathetic look. "So Kaoru, what do you think of your brothers relationship?" One of my guests asked. I blinked the tears away and smiled at the lady. "Well, as long as he's happy, so am I." I lied. 
        I thought the relationship was pure bullshit and that I thought this was some sick twisted prank of Hikaru's. But it's not, I want it to be that, but it's not! But even if it's true or not, I'll keep loving my brother, until the day I die I'll keep loving him.

(1): Imouto- Younger sibling, most accurately, a younger sister.

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