Taking My Mind Off It

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  .:Kaoru's PoV:.
       It was officially Christmas Break and I was all alone. Mum and Dad won't be back until Christmas day and Hikaru is up on Mount Fuji with Haru, so I was all alone, looking through an old photo album of me and Hika. I injected some of the OBA liquid into my wrists earlier and Kat was right! While looking at our pictures, I felt nothing! No pain, no misery, all I felt was joy and content! 
        I flipped page after page until my hand stopped. On the center of the page was probably the best picture I could get my hands on. It was from that time our parents took us to vacation near Enoshima Island. It was me and Hika posing while Mother took our Picture. I remember that day perfectly, Hikaru and I went fishing together and caught our first fish. Then, we  went sightseeing together and bird pooped on Hikaru's ice-cream. After that, we watched a movie, which I forgot the name, together and snuggled until we fell asleep. 
        I smiled at that memory and sighed. I tore the picture out from the scrapbook and folded it into my pocket. I smiled in content as I closed the book and stood up. I glanced at the clock and saw it was barely  3 in the freaking afternoon. I groaned and stumbled to the door. "Good afternoon Master Kaoru." One of my maids called out to me and I waved to her. "And to you." I simply replied. "Lunch has been prepared for you, would you like to come down to eat?" I shook my head. "No thanks, can you just bring it to my room?"
        She nodded and walked away, leaving me alone once again. I made my way to my room where I could finally just eat, sleep, probably watch some T.v., then start the cycle over again. Story of my life.
        I walked in and plopped on my bed. "Ugh, I'm so borrrrred." I grumbled into my pillow. I rolled around, making myself into a caterpillar, cuddling with my blanket and ending up falling onto the harsh floor. "Ow, geez." I mumbled as my vision went a little blurry.
        "Ne bro, whatcha doing down there?" I hear a cool voice ring to me. I blush and look up to see my mere reflection staring down at me. "Hika? I could ask the same thing, no wait, I can't cuz you're not down here, but you're supposed be in the mountain which is up..." Hika laughed at my over-statement and caused me to blush even more. "You're so cute and sweet when you overthink that little brain of yours~!" He helped me up and nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. I gulped and he pulled away facing me towards him. "Which makes me want to take a bite out of you.." His face inched closer to my own and I could feel his breath on my lips making my desire run over the line.
        A knock interrupted my vision and I grumbled some indecent things under my breath. "Master? Are you in there?" My maid asked through the wooden door.  "Yes, c'mon in." I replied. She walked in with a plate of 3 rice balls and I cracked a smile. I love rice balls, especially with salmon or eel. 
        She delivered the plate and I dismissed her. After she left I devoured the dish like I hadn't eaten in months! Though, while I was eating I kept wondering, "What was with that vision? I hadn't had one in nearly weeks." I murmured. I shrugged off the idea and pushed the empty plate away. That's when I heard the front doors open from below and the maids greeting someone.
        I opened my door and peeked around the corner leading to the entry hall. I saw Mum and Dad take off their coats and scarves and hand them to the maids. "Mum? Dad? What are you both doing here?" I ask as I walk down the stairs. They smile at me and come over to hug me. "We just thought we'd come home early to our little boys~!" Mum spoke in a very suspicious tone and I wondered if she was alright. "Where's Hikaru?" Dad asked. I deadpanned at them. "Did you forget? He took Haruhi to our house on Mount Fuji, he'll be back on Friday." I answered. They both laughed a little and I narrowed my eyes a little but shook it off.
        "Anyway.... I'll be in my room." I say trying to get away from my weird parents. They simply nodded before I walked off back to my room. I fell back down onto my bed and took the picture from my pocket. I looked at it before slowly drifting off to sleep. 'I do think a lot, it's probably nothing...'

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