❀ Closing ❀

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        .:Kaoru's PoV:.
       My amber eyes widened in both shock and fear. I pinched myself on the arm to make sure this wasn't just another fantasy of mine, but when nothing happened I was overjoyed! I quickly wrapped my arms onto Hikaru's shoulders and kissed back passionately. He held onto my waist, afraid I'll fall at any moment, which I would since my legs feel like jelly. Hikaru deepened the surprising kiss and I softly moaned at the feeling of my lips rolling onto his. 
       After a minute or so of our little act, we pulled away simultaneously, our foreheads still touching. "H-Hikaru?" I panted and he smirked, panting as well, but I saw that smirk slowly turn into a frown. "Kaoru, I'm... I'm so sorry." My heart leaped, thinking the kiss was a mistake. 'No, no, no. Please don't let that happen.' I begged. "Sorry for what?" I asked, voice cracking at the end.
        Hikaru took a hold of my hands and looked me straight in the eye. "Kaoru, I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me most. I'm sorry for turning a blind eye on you. Most of all, I'm sorry for not realizing my true feelings until now." Tears welled up in my eyes again as Hikaru continued. "I know, big brothers are supposed to help the younger ones, but all I did was shun you away and that's seriously not cool. I mean, who knows what you've been through since now, what have you been doing since I left you temporarily, and I really hope you've been not too hard on yourself. I just... I just love you too much to hear that you've been down on yourself. And by love, I don't mean brotherly love, I mean seriously like spouse and mate love y'know?" 
        Upon hearing his confession, I couldn't hold back the tears as I pulled him into a big hug and I nuzzled my face into his shoulder. "Hika...ru.." I sobbed into his shoulder and I felt my own shoulder become wet. "I'm so sorry Kao. W-would you forgive me?" I tightened my embrace on my brother and smiled softly. "Of course you idiot, did you even have to ask?" We pulled away and we walked back into the mansion, hand-in-hand. Finally, our world is back together and I doubt it's gonna fall down anytime soon.
        *Le Glorious TimeSkip Provided by Ciel's Sexuality* (Sebastian laughing in the distance)
       Oddly enough, the Host Club planned a meeting in the morning on the first day we get back. It's still chilly outside so I quickly grabbed my scarf that Mom made me and wrapped it around my neck. "Kaoru? You done yet?" My lover's voice calls out from my door, which won't be mine later since I'd move back into Hika's room. "Coming!" I pulled on my shoe as I opened my door to see a struggling Hikaru with his own scarf. I chuckle at Hika's attempts and I fix his scarf so it's snug. "Better?" He blushes and looks away. "Yeah, thank you Cutie." 
        I smiled at the nickname he'd given me just after we had officially gotten together. We walked down the hall, with Hikaru's arm draped over my shoulder protectively and my arm around his waist. "Good morning Masters~!" Our maids called to us and we returned the greeting. "Would you bring the car upfront? We're kinda in a hurry today." Hikaru orders our chauffeur and he complies. Minutes later the limo shows up and we climb in, ready for the school day coming up. As I get comfortable in my seat, Hikaru leans over and closes the window separating the driver and us. As the window finally shuts, Hikaru leaps at me, quickly closing the space between our lips and I don't waste time to respond. 
        He licks my bottom lip with his tongue and I allow him in. The taste of cherries hits my mouth and the rumor that's so well-known runs through my mind. If you could tie a cherry stem with your tongue... I blushed furiously but never pull away. We continue twisting tongues and gripping at each other's hair until I see we're almost at the academy. "N-Ne, the academy is right there." I pant and Hikaru hesitantly climbs off me. "Damn, I wish the school was farther." Hikaru remarks.
        As we pull up into the front, I could hear the squealing of teenage hormonal girls, but who am I to talk? As soon as the chauffeur opens the door, and we scoot out, we lock hands and Hikaru smiles at me. I smile back and that's when the girls lost it. The squealing volume increased and some even fainted. "Ready?" I sighed and began walking towards the salmon colored building. "As ready as I'll ever be."
        Once we walked into the Host Club room, I could hear popping and splatters. "No Honey! Not there!" Toro yells and I hear Honey-senpai's usual laughing. "Uh Mori-senpai? Are you sure this is okay?" Haruhi asks as I see her on Mori-senpai's shoulders to put up a banner. Mori-senpai just nods and lifts her up a little more. "Ah, Kaoru, Hikaru. Nice of you to show up." Kyoya says, writing in that little black notebook that I'm sure is another Death Note. I sweatdrop as does Hikaru and I subconsciously rub the back of my neck. "Yeah, well, I had woken up a little later than usual..." I half-lied. I did wake up later but not late enough to where we would be late. Hikaru nods with my statement and laughs nervously. 
        Kyoya sighs and rolls his onyx colored eyes. "Yes, yes. Now go ask what needs to be done for today. " We salute simultaneously and waltz over to Toro, avoiding multiple barriers. "Good Morning Boss." We call out from behind him. He shivers and jumps, well we clearly scared him. "Gah, you two devils are going to give Daddy a heart attack one day." He grips his chest in faux hurt and we laugh. "Well since you're here, could you help us put up some banners?" We smile mischievously and nod slowly.
        Once we get a banner, I manage to slip us two paint brushes and some ink and we get to work. This particular banner says "Welcome Back Princesses" and I guess we could work with this. I start drawing a big monster with two unsymmetrical horns and a big fat torso. Hikaru works on the writing portion. I wiped my cheek and looked down at our drawing. "Perfect." I feel a gaze on me so I turn my head to the side and catch Hikaru staring at me, lovingly. "What?" He laughs and wipes the same cheek I had wiped earlier with a handkerchief. "I had only realized I must have gotten ink on it and I blush lightly. "Always so clueless." Hikaru remarks as he kisses my cheek. I blush and roll up the banner. "W-we better put this up." I squeaked. 
        "I knew you two would eventually end up together." Kyoya calls from behind us. I yelp in surprise at his voice, but I thought I had heard some relief in his voice. "Ah, so you finally figured it out Hikaru?" Tamaki struts up to us next. Hikaru looks confused at Tamaki and Toro just shakes his head. "I mean your feelings. You finally know what's right?" A light bulb turned on above Hikaru's head and he smiled. "Yup. Took me awhile but I did." 
        "Did what Hika-chan?" Honey-senpai, Mori-senpai, and Haruhi walk up next and I feel like banging my head on the floor. "Well it appears that a little someone here finally got what they wanted. Aren't I right.." Hoe don't do it. "Kaoru?" Oh my God... I narrowed my eyes at Kyoya as he smirks. 
        "Yeah that's right." I answer feeling a bit more self conscious. Honey's eyes light up and he jumps on me. "That's so good Kao-chan! To be honest, I was thinking of setting you two up myself." I laugh and look at Haruhi. "Hey, uh, you aren't mad right?" Haru laughs and she ruffles my hair. "No, not at all. Besides, after awhile I began seeing how the two of you would look together." She answered nonchalantly. A breath of relief escapes my lips and I look up at my lover.
        "Hey what'd I miss?" Kat walks into the room and as soon as she saw me she runs over and tackles me down after Honey's assaults. "Nothing much. Just Kaoru and Hikaru's new formed relationship." Kat's eyes sparkle and she hugs me tighter. "Yay! I was rooting for you two from the bottom of my heart!" I chuckle and lightly push her off myself.  "Help me up would ya?" I hold my hand out to my bae and Hikaru grips it in his own. "Anything for you Cutie." He winks at me and my face ignites in a red wildfire. "You said you wouldn't use that in public!" I say a little louder than I needed to. He laughs along with the rest of the people in the club. "I changed my mind." 
        I smiled and laughed along with all of them. I look to my club mates and linger on Hikaru. I can't believe this is happening, yet somewhere I knew. I knew he'd love me back because, well, we were together since our birth. Nothing, not even our own feelings, would rip us apart. I knew he'd love me back...

It was Only a Matter of Time

only a matter of time // HikaKaoWhere stories live. Discover now