A Little Too Much Fun

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  .:Kaoru's PoV:.
       I was running towards the door when a flash of ginger crosses my vision. I swallowed hard and slowed my pace down a bit. Don't look Kaoru #1. I should listen to you #2 but, I... I can't help it! I snapped my head 90 degrees and saw him. He was just standing there texting on his phone, leaning against the wall in a pose that anyone could say belonged to Hikaru. My feet wanted to stop so I can throw myself onto him, but I can't let that happen, for multiple reasons.
        I shook my head and continued running, trying to get his image out of my mind. "Master Hitachiin, your limo is ready." A maid told me as I eventually slowed down. I nodded and thanked her, catching my breath. Okay either this mansion is huge or I'm just really out of shape. Probably both. Yeah, you're right Kaoru # 2-... I'm getting tired of calling you that. You're new name is Kay. Aw man, that's so girly though. Deal with it.
        I finally reached the front doors and made it outside. The chauffeur greets me and I hop in the back seat. On wards to the movies! The drive was rather short so I arrived in about 5 minutes or so and I started looking around the parking lot for Kat. The smell of popcorn and butter was scented throughout the air and it made me hungry a bit. "Yo onii-chan! Over here!" I look to my right and I see Kat running to me. Her short hair straightened and put up into low piggy tails. She was wearing a light purple shirt under a white dress and white flats with her usual glasses. 
        I smiled and waited for her to catch up. "So imouto-chan, what do you want to see?" She gasped dramatically and clutched her chest. "Life. I don't think I'll make it onii-chan!" I rolled my eyes and laughed a bit. "Alright, then I guess you wouldn't want a box of popcorn with a soda huh?" She stood straight up and with puppy eyes she was suddenly better. "Let's go in." 
        We ended up seeing Ouija (If you saw that movie, fist bump!) and everyone who walked out had their eyes wide and some were even breathing heavy. "Well that was... fun." Kat said from beside me. I nodded and licked my lips which were still salty from the popcorn. "My mouth feels dry." I smack my lips together and Kat laughs. "I told you to get a water instead of an ice-cream!" She says. "What ever, wanna go to a cafe?" She nods and we walk to the closest coffee shop we can find. 
        Once we sit down, I order myself a regular chai tea and Kat orders a milk latte. "So Onii-chan, How've you been doing?" She asks. As if timed, my cuts start to burn and I wince a bit. "Fine. How about you?" She places her head on her hands and stare into my dull eyes. "Kaoru, I know you're not fine." She remarks as her latte and my tea gets her. "Will that be all?" The waitress fluttered her eye-lashes at me and I could automatically tell they were fake. I blinked and replied dully. "Yeah." She pouted and walked away and I felt Kat staring at me again. 
        "Kaoru, you don't have to lie to me, but I do want to know if you are..." she paused for a bit, "Physically hurting yourself." I felt a lump in my throat and my cuts began stinging more. I dropped my head and I didn't want cry. Not here, not now, not in front of my imouto-chan.  "Let me see your hands." She ordered in a harsher tone. I hesitated a bit but I lifted my palms up and placed them on the table. Good thing we're in a corner booth. She slowly lifted my sleeves up and saw my poorly bandaged cuts. 
        .:Katura's PoV:.
       I gasped when I lifted his sleeves up and I saw his damage. I quickly put the cloth down and I luckily brought my first aid kit. "I thought this would happen, but not as bad Onii-chan!" I whisper/shouted. He just kept his head down and I took out some gauze, an alcohol wipe, and a rubber band. I looked up at Kaoru and smiled slightly. I sat up a bit and reached over to him. I embraced him in a hug and I caressed his back. "I'm sorry Onii-chan. I didn't mean that, but I worry about you." I feel his tears wet my shoulder and I pat softly. "Look let's clean you up and talk. How about that?" He nodded in my shoulder and I pulled away. I rolled up his sleeves, which were on the verge of getting soaked with blood, and got my wipe out. 
        "Why... Why do you have this?" He sniffled and winced as I rubbed the wipe on his most recent cuts. "I always carry it around, y'never know. Plus my family owns hospitals all throughout Japan, not as much as the Ootori group however." I explained. He let a sigh of relief as I took the dirtied wipe away and wrapped the gauze on his arm, leaving a part of his skin free. 
        "Look Kaoru, if he continues to hurt you, I have something that can make you forget that pain and focus on your own part of life." He looked at me curiously and I brought out clear bottle with a label. "This is onabotulinumtoxinA or OBA for short." I reached in my bag until I felt a packaged needle. "All you do is take a dosage of 10 mL, two doses each day, morning and night." He listened carefully and picked the small bottle up. "And it'll make me forget my pain?" "Yup, pain, depression, etc." 
        He took his own wallet out. "So how much is it?" I laughed. "For you, you look like you need this more than Tamaki-senpai when he thinks about his daughter using 'Bad Words'. " He laughed too, and I felt happiness surge through him. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was already 9:00, sure it was a Friday, but I still have responsibilities! "Sorry Onii-chan, I have to go! I'll see you on Monday!" I took a big gulp of my latte and ran home. I hope she's still up.

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