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A/N: ........... I forgot about the turtle... so let's just say for the time being that Alister has been taking care of Donatello because he's a good roommate.

Laurens didn't know what to do. He couldn't live with himself knowing that a murderer was out on the loose and an innocent man was in jail, and doing nothing about it. But he couldn't go to the police either. Having his own life being threatened was bad enough, but Lauren's.... not this again. Lauren's, Lauren's, Lauren's. Ahhhhhh! Laurens never let that stop him before. Things were different though this time. This man wasn't just threatening him, he was threatening Alexander. Laurens didn't know if he should tell this to Alex or if he should just keep it to himself so he wouldn't have to worry. More importantly, he didn't know how to solve this problem.

Laurens and Alexander went back to the Washington house. Laurens pulled the trash can around so he could step up and climb in his bedroom window.

"You coming?" Laurens asked.

"I'm sure they went to sleep already." Alexander said.

"Ok." Laurens said before climbing up.

Alexander went around and quietly went in through the front door. It did not work.

"Where have you been, Alexander?" Eliza asked. "You disappeared from inside the house?"

"Did you leave?" Martha questioned.

"Umm.... I jumped out a window." Alexander stated.

No one questioned him. Martha just sighed and Eliza face palmed. 

Alexander felt both releaved and upset that they said nothing else.

"Let's just get some rest." Eliza said.

"Yes. It's been a long and stressful night." Martha nodded.

"Ok." Alexander yawned. He had to admit that he was tired himself. He and Eliza went upstairs to his room and Martha went to be with Washington. "My beds a full, so I might be sleeping on the couch."

"It's ok," Eliza smiled. "That just means we'll have to get close."

Alexander almost blushed. "Fine by me."

Eliza snuggled up next to him. "Alex? Did Laurens seem weird to you when he came home?"

"What do you mean?" Alexander asked.

"Like he was uncertain about something." Eliza clarified.

"No. I'm sure he was just tired." Alexander fibbed.

"You're lying." Eliza stated.

"What?" Alexander questioned.

"You're my husband." Eliza turned over to face him. "I love you, and I know you well. Which is why I know when you are lying. What's wrong?"

"Laurens told me he was a little worried about something with the police. But everything will be fine." Alexander tried to reassure her.

"Are you sure?" Eliza pushed.

"Yes. Now will you please let your husband go to bed?" Alexander mumbled.

"If I must." Eliza joked and shut her eyes.

Laurens had been pacing around his room. He had a dim light lit so that no one would suspect he was still awake. He needed to do three main things.

1. Make sure nothing happened to Alexander.

2. Make sure the killer didn't find out about Peggy.

And 3. Come up with a plan to stop him... hopefully with the police.

His only problem was his phone. The man had hacked into it and even took a picture of him and Alexander. Laurens had already taped a piece of paper over both his cameras and deleted all his contacts. Since he had gotten a new phone after this one was stolen, he had no problem deleting anything to link him to his friends and family. The man had already found out about Alexander, but if he could prevent it, Laurens didn't want him to find out about Peggy, Laf, his parents, Henry, Will, or pretty much anyone else he knew.

Laurens knew he wouldn't be able to sleep that night, but he tried to none the less. He got about... two seconds of sleep before waking up from anxiety. The fear of something happening to his family because of him. He could handle bad things happening to him, but the only other time that his family was in danger, was when Henry almost killed Alexander. And when Peggy was in the car accident, but Peggy's not technically family. (Not yet 😉) But then again, he was not the type of person to do nothing. Sadly, the stress of the situation almost gave Laurens a panic attack. But he knew he couldn't or he'd wake up the whole house and would have to explain everything to them, or worse, lie directly to their faces. He wasn't going to do either of those things. In the end, he just decided to put his old phone in his desk and at least lay down in his bed with his eyes shut for what he knew would be a sleepless night.

A/N: Again, sorry that this is so late and that it is so short. I know that it's summer break but I actually take some summer courses and things are getting real. Of course as I mentioned before I am trying to graduate a year  early to better myself and hopefully prove to myself that I'm not an idiot. (I'm not stupid, I just lack common sense lol 🤪) I will definitely try and get the next chapter out on time. Thank you for bearing with me. God bless.

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