La historia le pertenece a @-rosepetal, yo solamente la traduzco bajo su autorización.
"la vida intentó aplastarla, pero sólo consiguió crear un diamante."
➡En donde la mejor amiga de Howard Stark se enamora del hombre más patriótico de américa.
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I. I Like You by Dandelion Hands
"I am scared to say I miss you. Last time I had you I should have kissed you."
II. Bellyache by Billie Eilish
"Everything I do, the way I wear my noose like a necklace.I wanna make 'em scared, like I could be anywhere, like I'm reckless."
III. Less Is More by Demob Happy
"I cut my teeth on ou, I bought a cell. I learn to die on first divide I crossed a galaxy to be a part of stage. No matter when, no matter where, I follow the rage."
IV. Let Me Live/ Let Me Die by Dess Rocs
" I know pain, I know dread. Look his eyes, they 've turned to lead. Tears don't stop the fire. It's killing time."
V. Supremassive Black Hole by Muse
"Ooh, baby, don't ou know I suffer?Ooh, baby, can't ou hear me moan? You caugth meunder false pretences. How long before you let me go?"
VI. Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran
"Maybe we found love right where er are."
VII. My Best Friend by Tim McGraw
"I don't know where I'd be without you here with me. Life with you makes perfect sense."
VIII. Mistery by Indigo Girls
"Oh, but you like the taste of danger. It shines like sugar on your lips."
IX. Smoke Signals by Phoebe Bridgers
"One of your eys is always half- shut. Something happened when you were a kid. I didn't know you then and I'll never understand why feels like I did."
X. Dreams by Japanese Breakfast
"I know I've felt like this before, but now I'm feeling it even more because it came from you. And then I open up and shee, the person falling here is me. A different way to be."
XI. Monster by Lola Kirke
"I can prove that I'm not so far gone, that I'm not a monster, just someone who wants to belong. No, I'm not a monster, just someone who wants to belong."
XII. Not About Angels by Birdy
"How unfair, it's just our love. Found something real that's out of touch. But if you'd searched the whole wide world, would you dare to let it go?"
XIII. Montion Sickness by Phoebe Bridgers
"I hate your for what you did and I miss you like a little kid. I faked it every time but that's alright. I can hardly feel anything. I hardly feel anything at all."
XIV. Trouble by Cage the Elephant
" Trouble on my left, trouble on my right. I've been facing trouble almost all my life. My sweet love, won't you pull me through. Everywhere I look, I catch a glimpse of you"
XV. Sea Of Love by Laghorne Slim, Jill Andrews
" I saw you there; that's when I knew that I was born to be with you."
XVI. Jupiter 4 by Sharon Van Etten
" Baby, baby, baby, I've been waiting, waiting, waiting my whole life for someone like you. It's true that everyone would like to have met a love so real."
XVII. Sit Stil, Look Pretty by Daya
" Oh, I don't know what you've been told, but this girl right here's gonna rule the world. Yeah, that's where I'm gonna be because I wanna be."
XVIII. Way Down We Go by Kaleo
" Father tell me, do we get what we deserve. Oh we get what we deserve, and way down we go."